mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 17:59:16 +01:00
*Updating a lot of languagefiles.
*Added missing "Update to" to languages. Changelog: Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik) UPLOADED Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990) UPLOADED Turkish (final v1 by aHMET-) UPLOADED German (final v1 by Didibochum, NeoRame) UPLOADED T.Chinese (final v3.2 by kyogc) UPLOADED S.Chinese (final v1 by pc9528) UPLOADED Korean (final v3 by pooyan, rainplus) UPLOADED French (final v3.8 by satel, Kin8) UPLOADED Norwegian (final v4 by raschi) UPLOADED Danish (final v1.7 by david432111) UPLOADED Spanish (final v5.9 Penn) UPLOADED Russian (final v1.2 by Kir) UPLOADED PortuguesePortugal (final v10 by sky8000) UPLOADED PortugueseBrasil (final v1 by artidoro) UPLOADED Italian (final v4 by foxejoe) UPLOADED Japanese (final v1.1 by yasun) UPLOADED Swedish (final v1 by noONE) UPLOADED
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
Specialthanksto = Special tak til
Specialthanksto = Special tak til
Updatepath = Opdaterings Sti
Updatepathchanged = Opdaterings Sti ændret.
Updatefailed = Opdateringen mislykkedes
DefaultSettings = Gendan Standard Indstillinger
titlesPath = titles.txt Sti
Favorite = Favorit
Favorite = Favorit
t3Coverst = 3D Covers
t3Coverst = 3D Covers
AppLanguage = Program Sprog
AppLanguage = Program Sprog
@ -114,7 +119,7 @@ Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password Ændret
PasswordChanged = Password Ændret
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwordet er blevet ændret
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwordet er blevet ændret
Passwordchange = Password skift
Passwordchange = Password skift
PowerofftheWii = Sluk wii'en
PowerofftheWii = Sluk Wii'en
Prev = Forrig
Prev = Forrig
PromptsButtons = Prompts Buttons
PromptsButtons = Prompts Buttons
ReloadSD = Genindlæs SD
ReloadSD = Genindlæs SD
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ GameRegion = R
GameSize = Taille du jeu
GameSize = Taille du jeu
GoBack = Retour
GoBack = Retour
HowtoShutdown = Arrêt de la Wii ?
HowtoShutdown = Arrêt de la Wii ?
keyboard = Clavier
Keyboard = Clavier
Language = Langue du jeu
Language = Langue du jeu
Langchange = Changer la langue
Langchange = Changer la langue
Left = Gauche
Left = Gauche
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ TitlestxtpathChanged = Localisation de titles.txt modifi
Titlestxtpathchange = Localisation de titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Localisation de titles.txt
Try = Essayer
Try = Essayer
Tooltips = Info-bulles
Tooltips = Info-bulles
Timeleft = Temps restant :
Timeleft = Fini dans:
updating = Mise à Jour
updating = Mise à Jour
Unlock = Déverrouiller
Unlock = Déverrouiller
Unicodefix = Unicode
Unicodefix = Unicode
@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
Specialthanksto = Besonderer dank an
t3Covers = 3D Cover
t3Covers = 3D Cover
Specialthanksto = Besonderer Dank an
AppLanguage = Sprache
AppLanguage = Sprache
Areyousure = Bist du sicher?
Areyousure = Sind sie sicher?
AutoPatch = Auto Patch
AutoPatch = Auto Patch
Back = Zurück
Back = Zurück
Backgroundmusic = Hintergrundmusik
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Zurück zum HBC oder Wii Menü
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Zurück zum HBC oder Wii Menü
BacktoLoader = Zurück zum Loader
BacktoLoader = HBC Menü
BacktoWiiMenu = Zurück ins Wii Menü
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii Menü
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BootStandard = Bootstandard
Both = Beides
Both = Beides
Cantcreatedirectory = Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden
Cantcreatedirectory = Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden
Cancel = Abbrechen
Cancel = Abbrechen
Cantbeformated = Konnte nicht formatiert werden
Cantbeformated = Konnte nicht formatiert werden
Cantdelete = Löschen fehlgeschlagen:
Cantdelete = Löschen fehlgeschlagen:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klick um Cover runterzuladen
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klicken zum Coverdownloaden
Clock = Uhr
Clock = Uhr
Continueinstallgame = Spiel installieren?
Continueinstallgame = Spiel installieren?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolenstandard
ConsoleDefault = Konsolenstandard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsole zum ändern bitte entsperren.
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsole sollte zum bearbeiten entsperrt werden
ConsoleLocked = Konsole gesperrt
ConsoleLocked = Konsole gesperrt
CorrectPassword = Passwort korrekt
CorrectPassword = Richtiges Passwort
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Netzwerk konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Netzwerk konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
CouldnotopenDisc = Konnte Disc nicht öffnen
CouldnotopenDisc = Disk konnte nicht geöffnet werden
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP Modul konnte nict initialisiert werden!
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP Modul konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverPath = Cover Pfad
CoverPath = Cover Pfad
CoverpathChanged = Cover Pfad geändert
CoverpathChanged = Cover Pfad geändert
Coverpathchange = Cover Pfad ändern
Coverpathchange = Cover Pfad ändern
Credits = Credits
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = Disc Images
DiscImages = Disk Cover
DiscimagePath = Discimage Pfad
DiscimagePath = Disk Cover Pfad
DiscpathChanged = Disc Pfad geändert
DiscpathChanged = Disk Pfad geändert
Discpathchange = Disc Pfad ändern
Discpathchange = Disk Pfad ändern
DiscDefault = Disc Standard
DiscDefault = Diskstandard
Display = Anzeige
Display = Anzeige
Doyouwanttoformat = Wollen sie formatieren:
Doyouwanttoformat = Möchten sie formatieren:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Wirklich löschen:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Löschvorgang bestätigen:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 30 sek lang erneut versuchen?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = In 30 sek erneut versuchen?
Downloadingfile = Downloade Datei:
Downloadingfile = Downloade Datei:
DownloadBoxartimage = Download Boxart Grafik?
DownloadBoxartimage = Download Boxart Bilder?
Downloadfinished = Download abgeschlossen
Downloadfinished = Download abgeschlossen
Error = Fehler !
Error = Fehler !
ErrorreadingDisc = Disclesefehler
ErrorreadingDisc = Disk-Lesefehler
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX beenden?
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX beenden?
InitializingNetwork = Initialisiere Netzwerk
InitializingNetwork = Initialisiere Netzwerk
InsertDisk = Disc einlegen
InsertDisk = Disk einlegen
InsertaWiiDisc = Wii Disc einlegen!
InsertaWiiDisc = Bitte legen sie eine Wii-Disk ein!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = SD Card für Grafik-Download einlegen.
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = SD Karte einlegen um Bilder runterzuladen.
InsertaSDCardtosave = SD-Card zum speichern einlegen.
InsertaSDCardtosave = SD Karte zum speichern einlegen.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle Funktionen des USB Loader GX freigeschaltet.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle Funktionen des USB Loader GX sind freigeschaltet.
Installerror = Installationsfehler!
Installerror = Installationsfehler!
Installagame = Spiel installieren
Installagame = Spiel installieren
Installinggame = Installiere Spiel:
Installinggame = Installiere Spiel:
Failedtoboot = Bootfehler:
Failedtoboot = Bootvorgang fehlgeschlagen
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = SD-Card Mount-Fehler
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fehler beim Mounten der SD Karte
FailedtosetUSB = USB-Fehler:
FailedtosetUSB = USB Fehler:
Failedformating = Formatieren fehlgeschlagen
Failedformating = Formatieren fehlgeschlagen
Filenotfound = Datei nicht gefunden.
filesnotfoundontheserver = Datei(en) konnte(n) auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden!
filesnotfoundontheserver = Datei(en) konnte(n) auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden!
filesleft = Datei(en) verbleiben
filesleft = Datei(en) übrig
FlipX = Flip-X
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Erzwinge
Force = Erzwinge
Youneedtoformatapartition = Partition muss formatiert werden
Youneedtoformatapartition = Sie müssen eine Partition formatieren
Format = Formatieren
Format = formatieren
Formattingpleasewait = Formatiere, bitte warten...
Formattingpleasewait = Formatiere, bitte warten...
formated = formatiert!
formated = Formatieren erfolgreich!
free = frei
free = frei
FreeSpace = Freier Speicher
FreeSpace = Freier Speicher
FullShutdown = Ausschalten
FullShutdown = Ausschalten
@ -73,47 +73,47 @@ Specialthanksto = Besonderer dank an
Games = Spiele
Games = Spiele
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spiel bereits vorhanden:
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spiel bereits vorhanden:
GameRegion = Region
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Grösse
GameSize = Größe
GoBack = Zurück
GoBack = Zurück
//GotoPage = Gehe zu Seite
//GotoPage = Gehe zu Seite
HowtoShutdown = Wie beenden?
hour = Std.
keyboard = Tastatur
HowtoShutdown = Wie soll beendet werden?
Language = Sprache
Language = Sprache
Langchange = Sprache ändern
Langchange = Spräche ändern
Left = Links
Left = Links
LikeSysMenu = Wie SysMenü
LikeSysMenu = Wie SysMenü
LoadingincIOS = Lade in cIOS249
LoadingincIOS = Lade in cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Lade Standardsprache.
Lock = Sperren
Lock = Sperren
LockConsole = Konsole sperren
LockConsole = Konsole sperren
MP3Menu = MP3 Menü
MP3Menu = MP3 Menü
Missingfiles = Fehlende Datei(en)
Missingfiles = Fehlende Datei(en)
Networkiniterror = Netzwerk init Fehler
Networkiniterror = Netzwerkinitialisierungsfehler
Neither = Nichts
Neither = Nichts
Next = Nächste
Next = Nächste
No = Nein
No = Nein
Nofilemissing = Alle Dateien vorhanden!
Nofilemissing = Alle Dateien vorhanden!
NoHDDfound = Keine HDD gefunden!
NoHDDfound = Keine HDD gefunden!
NoSDcardinserted = Keine SD-Card eingelegt!
NoSDcardinserted = Keine SD Karte eingelegt!
Nopartitionsfound = Keine Partitionen gefunden
Nopartitionsfound = Keine Partitionen gefunden
NoUSBDevice = Kein USB Gerät
NoUSBDevice = Kein USB Gerät
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Keine WBFS Partition gefunden
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Keine WBFS Partition gefunden
NormalCovers = Normale Cover
NormalCovers = Normale Cover
Normal = Normal
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Keine Wii Disc
NotaWiiDisc = Keine Wii Disk
NoUSBDevicefound = Kein USB Gerät gefunden.
NoUSBDevicefound = Kein USB Gerät gefunden.
Notenoughfreespace = Nicht genug freier Speicher!
Notenoughfreespace = Nicht genügend freier Speicher!
notset = nicht gesetzt
notset = nicht gesetzt
of = von
of = von
OfficialSite = Offizielle Seite
OfficialSite = Offizielle Seite
ok = OK
ok = OK
OnlyInstall = Beim installieren
Parentalcontrol = Jugenschutz
Parentalcontrol = Jugendschutz
Partition = Partition
Partition = Partition
Password = Passwort
Password = Passwort
PasswordChanged = Passwort geändert
PasswordChanged = Passwort geändert
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwort geändert
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwort wurde geändert
Passwordchange = Passwort ändern
Passwordchange = Passwort ändern
PowerofftheWii = Wii ausschalten
PowerofftheWii = Wii ausschalten
Prev = Vorherige
Prev = Vorherige
@ -124,46 +124,44 @@ Specialthanksto = Besonderer dank an
Return = Zurück
Return = Zurück
ReturntoWii = Zurück ins Wii Menü
ReturntoWii = Zurück ins Wii Menü
Right = Rechts
Right = Rechts
Rumble = Rumble
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Quick Boot
QuickBoot = Schnellboot
Save = Speichern
Save = Speichern
SaveFailed = Speichern fehlgeschlagen
SaveFailed = Speichern fehlgeschlagen
Specialthanksto = Besonderer Dank an
Specialthanksto = Besonderer Dank an
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Pfad
TitlestxtpathChanged = Pfad zu titles.txt geändert.
Titlestxtpathchange = Pfad von titles.txt ändern
For = für
For = für
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = und die veröffentlichung des Quellcodes
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = und die veröffentlichung des Quellcodes
secondsleft = sekunden verbleiben
secondsleft = Sekunden verbleiben
SelectthePartition = Partition auswählen
SelectthePartition = Partition auswählen
youwanttoformat = sie wollen formatieren
youwanttoformat = sie möchten formatieren
settings = Einstellungen
settings = Einstellungen
ShutdowntoIdle = Stand By
ShutdowntoIdle = Stand By
ShutdownSystem = System abschalten
ShutdownSystem = System herunterfahren
Success = Erfolg:
Success = Erfolgreich:
Successfullyinstalled = Erfolgreich installiert:
Successfullyinstalled = Erfolgreich installiert:
Successfullydeleted = Erfolgreich gelöscht:
Successfullydeleted = Erfolgreich gelöscht:
SuccessfullySaved = Erfolgreich gespeichert
SuccessfullySaved = Erfolgreich gespeichert
SystemDefault = Systemstandard
SystemDefault = Konsolenstandard
ThemePath = Theme Pfad
ThemePath = Theme Pfad
ThemepathChanged = Theme Pfad geändert
ThemepathChanged = Theme Pfad geändert
Themepathchange = Theme Pfad ändern
Themepathchange = Theme Pfad ändern
Try = Versuche
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Pfad
Try = Versuche(n)
Tooltips = ToolTips
Tooltips = ToolTips
Timeleft = Dauer:
Timeleft = Zeit verbleibend:
Unlock = Entsperren
Unlock = Entsperren
Unicodefix = Unicode Fix
Uninstall = Deinstallieren
Uninstall = Deinstallieren
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX ist geschützt
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX ist geschützt
USBDevicenotfound = USB Gerät nicht gefunden
USBDevicenotfound = USB Gerät nicht gefunden
Updatepath = Update Pfad
VideoMode = Video Modus
VideoMode = Video Modus
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Lautstärke
Volume = Lautstärke
Waiting = Warte...
Waiting = Warte...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Warte auf USB Gerät
WaitingforUSBDevice = Warte auf USB-Gerät
WidescreenFix = Widescreen Fix
WidescreenFix = Breitbild Fix
WiiMenu = Wii Menü
WiiMenu = Wii Menü
WrongPassword = Passwort falsch
WrongPassword = Falsches Passwort
Yes = Ja
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 nicht vorhanden
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 nicht vorhanden
Japanese = Japanisch
Japanese = Japanisch
@ -173,6 +171,10 @@ Specialthanksto = Besonderer dank an
Spanish = Spanisch
Spanish = Spanisch
Italian = Italienisch
Italian = Italienisch
Dutch = Niederländisch
Dutch = Niederländisch
SChinese = Simpl.Chinesisch
SChinese = Vereinfachtes Chinesisch
TChinese = Trad.Chinesisch
TChinese = Traditionelles Chinesisch
Korean = Koreanisch
Korean = Koreanisch
Updatedol = Aktualisiere DOL
Updateall = Aktualisiere alles
Doyouwanttoupdate = USB Loader GX aktualisieren?
CheckingforUpdates = Suche Aktualisierungen
@ -2,40 +2,40 @@
addToFavorite = お気に入り
addToFavorite = お気に入り
all = 全て
all = 全て
AppLanguage = Appの表示言語
AppLanguage = Appの表示言語
Areyousure = 実行しますか?
Areyousure = 実行しますか?
AutoPatch = 自動パッチ
AutoPatch = 自動パッチ
Back = 戻る
Back = もどる
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = HBC/Wiiメニューへ戻る
Backgroundmusic = サウンド
Backgroundmusic = サウンド
Backgroundmusicpath = サウンドのPath
Backgroundmusicpath = サウンドのPath
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = HBC/Wiiメニューへもどる
BacktoLoader = HBCへ戻る
BacktoLoader = HBCへもどる
BacktoWiiMenu = Wiiメニューへ戻る
BacktoWiiMenu = Wiiメニューへもどる
BootStandard = ブート/標準
BootStandard = ブート/標準
BothBoth = 両方
Both = 両方
Cantcreatedirectory = ディレクトリ作成に失敗しました。
Cantcreatedirectory = ディレクトリ作成に失敗しました
Cancel = キャンセル
Cancel = キャンセル
Cantbeformated = フォーマットに失敗しました。
Cantbeformated = フォーマットに失敗しました
Cantdelete = 削除に失敗しました:
Cantdelete = 削除に失敗しました:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = カバーをダウンロードするのにクリックして下さい。
ClicktoDownloadCovers = カバーをダウンロードするにはクリックして下さい
Clock = Clock
Clock = Clock
Close = 閉じる
Close = 閉じる
Continueinstallgame = ゲームのインストールを続けますか?
Continueinstallgame = ゲームのインストールを続けますか?
ConsoleDefault = デフォルトコンソール
ConsoleDefault = デフォルトコンソール
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 変更にはコンソールのロック解除が必要です。
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 変更にはコンソールのロック解除が必要です
ConsoleLocked = コンソールがロックされています。
ConsoleLocked = コンソールがロックされています
CorrectPassword = 正しいパスワード
CorrectPassword = 正しいパスワード
Couldnotinitializenetwork = ネットワークの初期化ができません!
Couldnotinitializenetwork = ネットワークの初期化ができません!
CouldnotopenDisc = ディスクオープンに失敗しました。
CouldnotopenDisc = ディスクオープンに失敗しました
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIPモジュールの初期化ができません!
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIPモジュールの初期化ができません!
CoverDownload = カバー ダウンロード
CoverDownload = カバー ダウンロード
CoverPath = カバーパス
CoverPath = カバーパス
CoverpathChanged = カバーパスを変更しました。
CoverpathChanged = カバーパスを変更しました
Coverpathchange = カバーパスの変更
Coverpathchange = カバーパスの変更
count = プレイ時間
count = プレイ時間
Credits = 協力者
Credits = 協力
DiscImages = ディスクイメージ
DiscImages = ディスクイメージ
DiscimagePath = ディスクイメージパス
DiscimagePath = ディスクイメージパス
DiscpathChanged = ディスクパスを変更しました。
DiscpathChanged = ディスクパスを変更しました
Discpathchange = ディスクパスの変更
Discpathchange = ディスクパスの変更
DiscDefault = デフォルトディスク
DiscDefault = デフォルトディスク
Display = ディスプレイ
Display = ディスプレイ
@ -43,58 +43,60 @@
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 削除しますか:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 削除しますか:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 再実行しますか?(30秒)
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 再実行しますか?(30秒)
Downloadingfile = ファイルのダウンロード中:
Downloadingfile = ファイルのダウンロード中:
DownloadBoxartimage = Boxart imageをダウンロードしますか?
DownloadBoxartimage = Boxart イメージをダウンロードしますか?
Downloadfinished = ダウンロードを終了しました。
Downloadfinished = ダウンロードを終了しました
Defaultgamesettings = ゲーム設定(デフォルト)
Defaultsettings = 設定(デフォルト)
Error = Error !
Error = Error !
ErrorreadingDisc = ディスク読込み失敗(Error reading Disc)
ErrorreadingDisc = ディスク読込み失敗
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GXを終了しますか?
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GXを終了しますか?
Homemenu = ホームメニュー
InitializingNetwork = ネットワークの初期化中...
InitializingNetwork = ネットワークの初期化中...
InsertDisk = ディスク挿入
InsertDisk = ディスク挿入
InsertaWiiDisc = Wiiディスクを挿入して下さい!
InsertaWiiDisc = Wiiディスクを挿入して下さい!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = イメージをダウンロードするSDカードを挿入して下さい。
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = イメージをダウンロードするSDカードを挿入して下さい
InsertaSDCardtosave = 保存するSDカードを挿入して下さい。
InsertaSDCardtosave = 保存するSDカードを挿入して下さい
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = このオプションを使用するのにSDカードを挿入して下さい。
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = このオプションを使用するのにSDカードを挿入して下さい
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = 全ての機能がアンロックされてました。
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = 全ての機能がアンロックされました
Installerror = Install Error!
Installerror = Install Error!
Installagame = ゲームインストール
Installagame = ゲームインストール
Installinggame = ゲームをインストール中:
Installinggame = ゲームをインストール中:
Failedtoboot = 起動に失敗:
Failedtoboot = 起動に失敗:
FailedtomountfrontSDCard = SDカードの認識に失敗しました。
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = SDカードの認識に失敗しました
FailedtosetUSB = USB接続に失敗:
FailedtosetUSB = USB接続に失敗:
Failedformating = フォーマットに失敗しました。
Failedformating = フォーマットに失敗しました
fave = お気に入り
fave = お気に入り
Filenotfound = ファイルを検出できませんでした。
Filenotfound = ファイルを検出できませんでした
filesnotfoundontheserver = サーバーにファイルがありません!
filesnotfoundontheserver = サーバーにファイルがありません!
filesleft = file(s) left(残りのファイル数)
filesleft = file(s) left(残りのファイル数)
FlipX = Flip-X
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Force
Force = Force
Youneedtoformatapartition = パーティションをフォーマットして下さい。
Youneedtoformatapartition = パーティションをフォーマットして下さい
Format = フォーマット
Format = フォーマット
Formattingpleasewait = フォーマット中です、暫くお待ち下さい...
Formattingpleasewait = フォーマット中です、暫くお待ち下さい...
formated = フォーマット完了!
formated = フォーマット完了!
free = 空き
free = 空き
FreeSpace = 空容量
FreeSpace = 空き容量
FullShutdown = 完全シャットダウン
FullShutdown = 完全シャットダウン
GameID = ゲームID
GameID = ゲームID
Games = ゲーム
Games = ゲーム
Gameisalreadyinstalled = ゲームは既にインストール済みです:
Gameisalreadyinstalled = ゲームは既にインストール済みです:
GameRegion = ゲームの地域情報
GameRegion = ゲームの地域情報
GameSize = ゲームサイズ
GameSize = ゲームサイズ
GoBack = 戻る
GoBack = もどる
//GotoPage = Go to Page
GotoPage = Go to Page
HowtoShutdown = シャットダウンの方法は?
HowtoShutdown = シャットダウンの方法は?
Homemenu = ホームメニュ-
hour = 時間
hour = 時間
keyboard = キーボード
keyboard = キーボード
Language = 言語
Language = 言語
Langchange = 言語の変更
Langchange = 言語の変更
Left = 左
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = Like SysMenu
LikeSysMenu = Like SysMenu
LoadingincIOS = cIOS249でロード中...
ListSort = リストの整理
LoadingincIOS = cIOS249をロード中...
Loadingstandardlanguage = 標準の言語をロード中...
Loadingstandardlanguage = 標準の言語をロード中...
LikeSysMenu = Like SysMenu Loading
Loadingstandardmusic = cIOS249ロード
IOS = cIOS249ロード
Lock = ロック
Lock = ロック
LockConsole = コンソールをロックする
LockConsole = コンソールをロックする
MP3Menu = MP3メニュー
MP3Menu = MP3メニュー
@ -105,48 +107,49 @@
No = いいえ
No = いいえ
Nofilemissing = ファイルを検出できませんでした!
Nofilemissing = ファイルを検出できませんでした!
NoHDDfound = HDDを検出できませんでした!
NoHDDfound = HDDを検出できませんでした!
NoSDCardinserted = SDカードを検出できませんでした!
NoSDcardinserted = SDカードを検出できませんでした!
Nopartitionsfound = パーティションを検出できませんでした。
Nopartitionsfound = パーティションを検出できませんでした
NoUSBDevice = USBデバイスを検出できませんでした。
NoUSBDevice = USBデバイスを検出できませんでした
NoWBFSpartitionfound = WBFSパーティションを検出できませんでした。
NoWBFSpartitionfound = WBFSパーティションを検出できませんでした
NormalCovers = ノ-マルカバー
NormalCovers = ノ-マルカバー
Normal = Normal(4:3)
Normal = Normal(4:3)
NotaWiiDisc = Wiiディスクではありません。
NotaWiiDisc = Wiiディスクではありません
NoUSBDevicefound = USBデバイズが検出されていません。
NoUSBDevicefound = USBデバイズが検出されていません
Notenoughfreespace = 空容量が不足しています!
Notenoughfreespace = 空容量が不足しています!
Notasupportedformat = ディスク形式はサポートされていません。
Notasupportedformat = サポートされていないフォーマットです
notset = セットされませんでした。
notset = セットされてません
of = of
of = of
OFF = オフ
OFF = オフ
OfficialSite = オフィシャルサイト
OfficialSite = オフィシャルサイト
ok = OK
ok = OK
ON = オン
ON = オン
Parentalcontrol = 保護者による制限
OnlyInstall = インストールのみ
Parentalcontrol = ピアレンタルコントロール
Partition = パーティション
Partition = パーティション
Password = パスワード
Password = パスワード
PasswordChanged = パスワード変更
PasswordChanged = パスワード変更
Passwordhasbeenchanged = パスワードを変更しました
Passwordhasbeenchanged = パスワードを変更しました
Passwordchange = パスワード変更
Passwordchange = パスワード変更
PowerofftheWii = Wiiを電源OFFする
PowerofftheWii = Wiiの電源を切る
Plays = プレイ時間
Plays = プレイ時間
Prev = 前へ
Prev = 前へ
PromptsButtons = ボタンを押して~
PromptsButtons = ボタン入力:
ReloadSDカード = SDカードのリロード
ReloadSD = SDカードのリロード
RenameGameonWBFS = WBFS上のゲーム名変更
RenameGameonWBFS = WBFS上のゲーム名変更
Restart = リスタート
Restart = リスタート
Return = 戻る
Return = もどる
ReturntoWii = Wiiメニューへ戻る
ReturntoWiiMenu = Wiiメニューへもどる
Right = 右
Right = 右
Rumble = 振動
Rumble = 振動
QuickBoot = クイック起動
QuickBoot = クイック起動
Save = セーブ
Save = セーブ
SaveFailed = セーブに失敗しました。
SaveFailed = セーブに失敗しました
Specialthanksto = この場を借りて感謝です☆
Specialthanksto = この場を借りて感謝します
For = for
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 及びリリースされているソースコード
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = USB Loader及びリリースされているソースコード
secondsleft = 完了までの秒数
secondsleft = 完了までの秒数
SelectthePartition = パーティション選択
SelectthePartition = パーティション選択
youwanttoformat = フォーマットを実行する。
youwanttoformat = フォーマットを実行する
settings = 設定
settings = 設定
Setasbackgroundmusic = サウンドとして設定する
Setasbackgroundmusic = サウンドとして設定する
Standard = 標準
Standard = 標準
@ -155,34 +158,35 @@
Success = 成功:
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = インストールに成功:
Successfullyinstalled = インストールに成功:
Successfullydeleted = 削除に成功:
Successfullydeleted = 削除に成功:
SuccessfullySaved = セーブに成功:
SuccessfullySaved = セーブに成功:
SystemDefault = デフォルトシステム
SystemDefault = デフォルトシステム
ThemePath = テーマパス
ThemePath = テーマパス
ThemepathChanged = テーマパスを変更しました。
ThemepathChanged = テーマパスを変更しました
Themepathchange = テーマパスの変更
Themepathchange = テーマパスの変更
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Path
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Path
TitlestxtpathChanged = titles.txtのPathを変更しました。
Titlestxtpathchange = titles.txtのPath変更
Titlestxtpathchange = titles.txtのPathを変更
TitlestxtpathChanged = titles.txtのPathを変更しました
Try = 試みる
Try = 試みる
Tooltips = ツールヒント
Tooltips = ツールヒント
Timeleft = 残り時間:
Timeleft = 残り時間:
Unlock = アンロック
Unlock = アンロック
Unicodefix = Unicode Fix
Unicodefix = Unicode Fix
Uninstall = アンインストール
Uninstall = アンインストール
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loaderは保護されています。
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loaderは保護されています
USBDevicenotfound = USBデバイスを検出できませんでした。
USBDevicenotfound = USBデバイスを検出できませんでした
VideoMode = ビデオモード
VideoMode = ビデオモード
Volume = ボリューム
Volume = ボリューム
Waiting = 暫くお待ちください...
Waiting = 暫くお待ちください...
WaitingforUSBDevice = USBデバイスの応答待ち。
WaitingforUSBDevice = USBデバイスの応答待ち
WidescreenFix = Widescreen(16:9)
WidescreenFix = ワイドスクリーン(16:9)
WiiMenu = Wiiメニュー
WiiMenu = Wiiメニュー
WrongPassword = パスワードが違います。
Wiilight = Wii light
WrongPassword = 間違ったパスワード
Yes = はい
Yes = はい
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222が検出できませんでした。
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222が検出できませんでした
Japanese = 日本語
Japanese = 日本語
German = ドイツ語
German = ドイツ語
English = 英語
English = 英語
French = フランス語
French = フランス語
Spanish = スペイン語
Spanish = スペイン語
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
//r380, Norwegian v2, 21.05.2009
//r429, Norwegian v4, 29.05.2009
ok = OK
ok = OK
addToFavorite = Favoritt
addToFavorite = Favoritt
all = Alfabetisk
all = Alfabetisk
AppLanguage = Program språk
AppLanguage = Program språk
t3Covers = 3D cover
t3Covers = 3D cover
Areyousure = Er du sikker?
Areyousure = Er du sikker?
available = tilgjengelig
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Back = Tilbake
Back = Tilbake
Backgroundmusic = Bakgrunnsmusikk
Backgroundmusic = Bakgrunnsmusikk
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ Both = Begge
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan ikke opprette mappestruktur
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan ikke opprette mappestruktur
Cancel = Avbryt
Cancel = Avbryt
Cantbeformated = Kan ikke formateres
Cantbeformated = Kan ikke formateres
CheckingforUpdates = Søker etter oppdateringer
Cantdelete = Kan ikke slette:
Cantdelete = Kan ikke slette:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klikk for å laste ned cover
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klikk for å laste ned cover
Clock = Klokke
Clock = Klokke
@ -39,14 +41,17 @@ DiscImages = Plate bilder
DiscimagePath = Plate sti
DiscimagePath = Plate sti
DiscpathChanged = Plate sti endret
DiscpathChanged = Plate sti endret
Discpathchange = Endre plate sti
Discpathchange = Endre plate sti
DiscDefault = Plate Standard
DiscDefault = Spill Standard
Display = Vis
Display = Vis
Doyouwanttoformat = Vil du formatere:
Doyouwanttoformat = Vil du formatere:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Er du sikker på at du vil slette:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Er du sikker på at du vil slette:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vil du fortsette å prøve i 30 sekunder?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vil du fortsette å prøve i 30 sekunder?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Vil du oppdatere?
Downloadingfile = Laster ned fil:
Downloadingfile = Laster ned fil:
DownloadBoxartimage = Last ned cover bilde?
DownloadBoxartimage = Last ned cover bilde?
Downloadfinished = Nedlasting ferdig
Downloadfinished = Nedlasting ferdig
Defaultgamesettings = Standard innstillinger
Defaultsettings = Standard innstillinger
Error = Feil !
Error = Feil !
hour = Timer
hour = Timer
Homemenu = HOME Meny
Homemenu = HOME Meny
@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Tving
Force = Tving
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du må formatere en partisjon
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du må formatere en partisjon
Format = Formater
Format = Formater
keyboard = Tastatur
Keyboard = Tastatur
Formattingpleasewait = Formaterer, vennligst vent...
Formattingpleasewait = Formaterer, vennligst vent...
formated = formatert!
formated = formatert!
free = ledig
free = ledig
@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ Missingfiles = Manglende filer
Networkiniterror = Nettverk init feil
Networkiniterror = Nettverk init feil
Neither = Ingen
Neither = Ingen
Next = Neste
Next = Neste
Nonewupdates = Ingen nye oppdateringer.
No = Nei
No = Nei
Nofilemissing = Ingen filer mangler!
Nofilemissing = Ingen filer mangler!
NoHDDfound = Ingen HDD funnet!
NoHDDfound = Ingen HDD funnet!
@ -120,6 +126,7 @@ of = av
OfficialSite = Offisiell nettside
OfficialSite = Offisiell nettside
OnlyInstall = Kun for installering
Parentalcontrol = Foreldre kontroll
Parentalcontrol = Foreldre kontroll
Partition = Partisjon
Partition = Partisjon
Password = Passord
Password = Passord
@ -133,6 +140,7 @@ PromptsButtons = Dialog knapper
ReloadSD = Les SD på nytt
ReloadSD = Les SD på nytt
RenameGameonWBFS = Gi nytt navn til spill på WBFS
RenameGameonWBFS = Gi nytt navn til spill på WBFS
Restart = Start på nytt
Restart = Start på nytt
Restarting = Starter på nytt...
Return = Gå tilbake
Return = Gå tilbake
ReturntoWii = Tilbake til Wii meny
ReturntoWii = Tilbake til Wii meny
Right = Høyre
Right = Høyre
@ -153,6 +161,7 @@ ShutdowntoIdle = Skru av
ShutdownSystem = Skru helt av
ShutdownSystem = Skru helt av
Success = Suksess:
Success = Suksess:
Successfullyinstalled = Vellykket installering:
Successfullyinstalled = Vellykket installering:
Successfullyupdated = Vellykket oppdatering
Successfullydeleted = Vellykket sletting:
Successfullydeleted = Vellykket sletting:
SuccessfullySaved = Vellykket lagring
SuccessfullySaved = Vellykket lagring
SystemDefault = System Standard
SystemDefault = System Standard
@ -165,9 +174,15 @@ Titlestxtpathchange = Endre titles.txt sti
Try = Prøv
Try = Prøv
Tooltips = Verktøystips
Tooltips = Verktøystips
Timeleft = Tid igjen:
Timeleft = Tid igjen:
updating = Oppdaterer
Unlock = Lås opp
Unlock = Lås opp
Unicodefix = Unicode fiks
Unicodefix = Unicode fiks
Uninstall = Avinstaller
Uninstall = Avinstaller
Updatepath = Oppdatering sti
Updatepathchanged = Oppdatering sti endret.
Updatefailed = Mislykket oppdatering
Updatedol = Oppdater DOL
Updateall = Oppdater alt
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX er beskyttet
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX er beskyttet
USBDevicenotfound = USB enhet ikke funnet
USBDevicenotfound = USB enhet ikke funnet
VideoMode = Video modus
VideoMode = Video modus
@ -177,6 +192,7 @@ Waiting = Venter...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Venter på USB enhet
WaitingforUSBDevice = Venter på USB enhet
WidescreenFix = Fiks for 16/9
WidescreenFix = Fiks for 16/9
WiiMenu = Wii meny
WiiMenu = Wii meny
Wiilight = Wii DVD lys
WrongPassword = Feil passord
WrongPassword = Feil passord
Yes = Ja
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har ikke cIOS222
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har ikke cIOS222
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
Specialthanksto = Agradecimento a
t3Covers = Capas 3D
addToFavorite = Favorito
all = Alfabetica
AppLanguage = Idioma
Areyousure = Tem certeza?
AutoPatch = Mudança Automática
Back = Voltar
Backgroundmusic = Música de Fundo
Backgroundmusicpath = Local Música de Fundo alterado
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Voltar ao HBC ou Menu do Wii
BacktoLoader = Voltar ao HBC
BacktoWiiMenu = Voltar Menu Wii
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BootStandard = Iniciar com
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = Não foi possível criar o diretório
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = Não pode pôde ser formatado
Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Aperte para baixar Capas
Clock = Relógio
Close = Fechar
Continueinstallgame = Continuar instalação do jogo?
ConsoleDefault = Padrão do Console
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Você precisa primeiro desbloquear para poder modificar.
ConsoleLocked = Console Bloqueado
CorrectPassword = Senha Correta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Não foi possível inciar a rede!
CouldnotopenDisc = Não foi possível abrir o Disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Não foi possível iniciar o módulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Baixar Capas
CoverPath = Local Capas
CoverpathChanged = Local Capas alterado
Coverpathchange = Alterar local Capas
Count = Vezes Jogou
Credits = Créditos
Defaultgamesettings = Configurações padrão do jogo
Defaultsettings = Configurações padrão
DiscImages = Imagem Disco
DiscimagePath = Local Imagem Disco
DiscpathChanged = Local Imagem Disco alterado
Discpathchange = Alterar local Imagem Disco
DiscDefault = Padrão do Disco
Diskflip = Alternar Disco
Display = Exibir
Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja FORMATAR:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer realmente APAGAR:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente em 30s?
Downloadingfile = Baixando arquivo:
DownloadBoxartimage = Baixar imagem da Caixa?
Downloadfinished = Pronto
Error = Erro !
ErrorreadingDisc = Erro ao ler o Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Deseja sair do USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Rede
InsertDisk = Insira o Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = Insira um Disco de Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insira um cartão SD para baixar imagens.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insira um cartão SD para guardar.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insira um cartão SD para usar esta opção.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações estão bloqueadas.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações estão desbloqueadas.
Installerror = Erro ao Instalar!
Installagame = Instalar um jogo
Installinggame = Instalando jogo:
Failedtoboot = Falha ao iniciar:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Falha ao montar cartão SD frontal
FailedtosetUSB = Falha ao iniciar USB:
Failedformating = Falha ao formatar
fave = Favoritos
Filenotfound = Arquivo não encontrado.
filesnotfoundontheserver = arquivos não encontrados no servidor!
filesleft = arquivo(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Paginação Horizontal
Force = Forçar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Você precisa FORMATAR a partição
Format = Formatar
Formattingpleasewait = Formatando, por favor aguarde...
formated = FORMATADO!
free = livres
FreeSpace = Espaço Livre
FullShutdown = Desligar
GameID = ID do Jogo
Games = Jogos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Este jogo já está instalado:
GameRegion = Região do Jogo
GameSize = Tamanho do Jogo
GoBack = Voltar
//GotoPage = Ir a Página
Homemenu = Menu Inicial
hour = Horas
HowtoShutdown = Como Desligar?
Keyboard = Teclado
Language = Idioma do Jogo
Langchange = Alterar Idioma
Left = Esquerda
LikeSysMenu = Igual ao Menu do Wii.
ListSort = Classificar Lista de Jogos
LoadingincIOS = Carregando no cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Carregado idioma padrão.
Loadingstardardmusic = Carregado música padrão.
Lock = Bloquear
LockConsole = Bloquear console
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Missingfiles = Arquivos faltando
Networkiniterror = Erro ao iniciar rede
Neither = Nenhum
Next = Próximo
No = Não
Nofilemissing = Não há arquivos faltando!
NoHDDfound = Disco Rígido não encontrado!
NoSDcardinserted = Cartão SD não inserido!
Nopartitionsfound = Partições não encontradas
NoUSBDevice = Sem dispositivo USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Partição WBFS não encontrada
NormalCovers = Capas Normais
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco de Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado.
Notenoughfreespace = Não há espaço livre suficiente!
Notasupportedformat = Formato não suportado!
notset = Sem Senha!
of = de
OFF = Desligado
OfficialSite = Site Oficial
ok = OK
ON = Ligado
OnlyInstall = Só para Instalar
Parentalcontrol = Controle de Pais
Partition = Partição
Password = Senha
PasswordChanged = Senha alterada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = A Senha foi alterada
Passwordchange = Alterar Senha
Plays = Vezes Jogou
PowerofftheWii = Desligar o Wii
Prev = Anterior
PromptsButtons = Botões
ReloadSD = Recarregar cartão SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renomear jogo na partição WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Return = Voltar
ReturntoWii = Voltar ao Menu do Wii
Right = Direita
Rumble = Vibração
QuickBoot = Inicio Rápido
Save = Guardar
SaveFailed = Falha ao Guardar
Specialthanksto = Agradecemos especialmente a
Titlestxtpath = Local Titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Local titles.txt alterado
Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar local titles.txt
For = pelo
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = UBS Loader e ter liberado o código fonte
secondsleft = segundos restantes
SelectthePartition = Selecione a partição
Setasbackgroundmusic = Configurar como música de fundo?
youwanttoformat = Deseja formatar?
settings = Configurações
ShutdowntoIdle = Em espera
ShutdownSystem = Desligar Sistema
Standard = Padrão
Success = Sucesso:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
Successfullydeleted = Desinstalado com Sucesso:
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado com Sucesso
SystemDefault = Pradrão do Sistema
ThemePath = Local Temas
ThemepathChanged = Local Temas alterado
Themepathchange = Alterar local Temas
Try = Tentar
Tooltips = Dicas
Timeleft = Tempo restante:
Unlock = Desbloquear
Unicodefix = Corrigir Unicode
Uninstall = Desinstalar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está bloqueado
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado
VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo
VIDTVPatch = Corrigir VIDTV
Volume = Volume
Waiting = Aguardando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando o Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Corrigir Widescreen
Wiilight = Luz do Wii
WiiMenu = Menu do Wii
WrongPassword = Senha incorreta
Yes = Sim
YoudonthavecIOS = Você não tem o cIOS222
Japanese = Japonês
German = Alemão
English = Inglês
French = Francês
Spanish = Espanhol
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandês
SChinese = Chinês Simplificado
TChinese = Chinês Tradicional
Korean = Coreano
// Portuguese(pt-br) Rev2.0
// Ready for rev395
// Translated by Artidoro
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
addToFavorite = Adicionar aos favoritos
addToFavorite = Adicionar aos favoritos
all = Alfabética
all = Alfabética
AppLanguage = Idioma
AppLanguage = Idioma
available = disponível
Areyousure = Tem a certeza?
Areyousure = Tem a certeza?
AutoPatch = Patch automático
AutoPatch = Patch automático
Back = Voltar
Back = Voltar
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
Cancel = Cancelar
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = Não pode pode ser formatado
Cantbeformated = Não pode pode ser formatado
Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar:
Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar:
CheckingforUpdates = Procurando Actualizações
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Carregue para descarregar capas
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Carregue para descarregar capas
Clock = Relógio
Clock = Relógio
Close = Fechar
Close = Fechar
@ -42,9 +44,12 @@
Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja FORMATAR:
Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja FORMATAR:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer mesmo REMOVER o jogo:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer mesmo REMOVER o jogo:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente dentro de 30 segs?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente dentro de 30 segs?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Como pretende actualizar o programa?
Downloadingfile = Descarregando ficheiro:
Downloadingfile = Descarregando ficheiro:
DownloadBoxartimage = Descarregar imagem da Caixa?
DownloadBoxartimage = Descarregar imagem da Caixa?
Downloadfinished = Download Terminado
Downloadfinished = Download Terminado
Defaultgamesettings = Repor Configuração do Jogo
Defaultsettings = Repor Configurações
Error = Erro !
Error = Erro !
hour = Horas
hour = Horas
@ -97,7 +102,7 @@
Loadingstandardmusic = Carregando música padrão.
Loadingstandardmusic = Carregando música padrão.
Lock = Bloquear
Lock = Bloquear
LockConsole = Bloquear Configurações
LockConsole = Bloquear Configurações
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Patchcountrystrings = Patch Definições Regionais
Missingfiles = Ficheiros em falta
Missingfiles = Ficheiros em falta
Networkiniterror = Erro ao inicializar ligação de rede
Networkiniterror = Erro ao inicializar ligação de rede
Neither = Nenhum
Neither = Nenhum
@ -109,6 +114,7 @@
Nopartitionsfound = Não foram encontradas partições
Nopartitionsfound = Não foram encontradas partições
NoUSBDevice = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado
NoUSBDevice = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Não foi encontrada nenhuma partição WBFS
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Não foi encontrada nenhuma partição WBFS
Nonewupdates = Não existem novas actualizações.
NormalCovers = Capas Normais
NormalCovers = Capas Normais
Normal = Normal
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco da Wii
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco da Wii
@ -120,6 +126,7 @@
OfficialSite = Site Oficial
OfficialSite = Site Oficial
ok = OK
ok = OK
ON = Ligado
ON = Ligado
OnlyInstall = Apenas na instalação
Parentalcontrol = Controlo Parental
Parentalcontrol = Controlo Parental
Partition = Partição
Partition = Partição
Password = Password
Password = Password
@ -133,6 +140,7 @@
ReloadSD = Actualizar do cartão SD
ReloadSD = Actualizar do cartão SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Alterar nome do jogo na partição WBFS
RenameGameonWBFS = Alterar nome do jogo na partição WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Restart = Reiniciar
Restarting = Reiniciando...
Return = Voltar
Return = Voltar
ReturntoWii = Menu da Wii
ReturntoWii = Menu da Wii
Right = Direita
Right = Direita
@ -141,7 +149,7 @@
Save = Gravar
Save = Gravar
SaveFailed = Falha ao Gravar
SaveFailed = Falha ao Gravar
Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos
Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos
Titlestxtpath = Pasta Titles.txt
Titlestxtpath = Pasta titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Pasta do ficheiro titles.txt alterada.
TitlestxtpathChanged = Pasta do ficheiro titles.txt alterada.
Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar pasta do titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar pasta do titles.txt
For = pelo
For = pelo
@ -155,6 +163,7 @@
ShutdownSystem = Desligar
ShutdownSystem = Desligar
Success = Sucesso:
Success = Sucesso:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
Successfullyupdated = Programa actualizado com Sucesso
Successfullydeleted = Removido com Sucesso:
Successfullydeleted = Removido com Sucesso:
SuccessfullySaved = Gravado com Sucesso
SuccessfullySaved = Gravado com Sucesso
SystemDefault = Predefinição Sistema
SystemDefault = Predefinição Sistema
@ -169,13 +178,20 @@
Uninstall = Remover
Uninstall = Remover
USBLoaderisprotected = O USB Loader GX está bloqueado
USBLoaderisprotected = O USB Loader GX está bloqueado
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado
updating = Actualizando
Updatepath = Pasta Actualizações
Updatepathchanged = A pasta das actualizações foi alterada.
Updatefailed = Erro ao actualizar
Updatedol = Actualizar DOL
Updateall = Actualizar Tudo
VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo
VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
Volume = Volume
Volume = Volume
Waiting = Aguardando...
Waiting = Aguardando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando pelo Dispositivo USB
WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando pelo Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Correcção Widescreen
WidescreenFix = Correcção 16:9
WiiMenu = Menu da Wii
WiiMenu = Menu da Wii
Wiilight = Iluminação Leitor
WrongPassword = Password Incorrecta
WrongPassword = Password Incorrecta
Yes = Sim
Yes = Sim
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 não instalado
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 não instalado
@ -189,6 +205,6 @@
SChinese = Chinês Simplificado
SChinese = Chinês Simplificado
TChinese = Chinês Tradicional
TChinese = Chinês Tradicional
Korean = Coreano
Korean = Coreano
// Portuguese(pt-pt) Language File rev4.4 (22-05-2009 9:54) for GUI USB Loader GX 1
// Portuguese(pt-pt) Language File rev10 (31-05-2009 11:41 GMT) for USB Loader GX 1
// Tested with Loader rev385
// Initial tests with Loader rev433
// Translated by Sky8000
// Translated by Sky8000
@ -41,9 +41,11 @@ Display = Отображать
Doyouwanttoformat = Вы хотите отформатировать:
Doyouwanttoformat = Вы хотите отформатировать:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Вы хотите удалить:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Вы хотите удалить:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Хотите попробовать еще раз на 30 секунд?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Хотите попробовать еще раз на 30 секунд?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Вы хотите обновить программу
Downloadingfile = Скачиваю файл:
Downloadingfile = Скачиваю файл:
DownloadBoxartimage = Скачать обложку диска?
DownloadBoxartimage = Скачать обложку диска?
Downloadfinished =Скачивание завершено
Downloadfinished =Скачивание завершено
Defaultsettings = Установки по умолчанию
Error = Ошибка !
Error = Ошибка !
ErrorreadingDisc = Ошибка чтения диска
ErrorreadingDisc = Ошибка чтения диска
@ -83,14 +85,19 @@ GoBack = Назад
GotoPage = На страницу
GotoPage = На страницу
HowtoShutdown = Способ отключения?
HowtoShutdown = Способ отключения?
Homemenu = Домашнее Меню
Homemenu = Домашнее Меню
hour = час
keyboard = клавиатура
Language = Язык
Language = Язык
Langchange = Сменить язык
Langchange = Сменить язык
Left = Налево
Left = Налево
LikeSysMenu = как SysMenu
LikeSysMenu = как SysMenu
ListSort = Сортировка списка
LoadingincIOS = загружаю с cIOS249
LoadingincIOS = загружаю с cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Загрузка языка по умолчанию
Loadingstandardmusic = Загрузка стандартной музыки
Lock = Заблокировать
Lock = Заблокировать
LockConsole = Заблокировать консоль
LockConsole = Заблокировать консоль
MP3Menu = Меню MP3
//MP3Menu = Меню MP3
Missingfiles = Отсутствующие файлы
Missingfiles = Отсутствующие файлы
Networkiniterror = Ошибка инициализации сети
Networkiniterror = Ошибка инициализации сети
Neither = Ни то, ни другое
Neither = Ни то, ни другое
@ -102,6 +109,7 @@ NoSDcardinserted = SD карта не вставлена!
Nopartitionsfound = Разделы не найдены
Nopartitionsfound = Разделы не найдены
NoUSBDevice = Нет USB устройств
NoUSBDevice = Нет USB устройств
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Не найден раздел WBFS
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Не найден раздел WBFS
Nonewupdates = Нет обновлений
NormalCovers = Обычные обложки
NormalCovers = Обычные обложки
Normal = Обычный
Normal = Обычный
NotaWiiDisc = Это не диск Wii
NotaWiiDisc = Это не диск Wii
@ -114,6 +122,7 @@ OFF = ВЫКЛ
OfficialSite = Официальный сайт
OfficialSite = Официальный сайт
ok = OK
ok = OK
OnlyInstall = Только установка
Parentalcontrol = Родительский контроль
Parentalcontrol = Родительский контроль
Partition = Раздел
Partition = Раздел
Password = Пароль
Password = Пароль
@ -136,16 +145,18 @@ Save = Сохранить
SaveFailed = Сохранение не удалось
SaveFailed = Сохранение не удалось
Specialthanksto = Отдельные благодарности
Specialthanksto = Отдельные благодарности
For = за
For = за
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = и публикацию исходного кода
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = выпуск и публикацию исходного кода
secondsleft = секунд осталось
secondsleft = секунд осталось
SelectthePartition = Выберите раздел,
SelectthePartition = Выберите раздел,
youwanttoformat = который вы хотите отформатировать
youwanttoformat = который вы хотите отформатировать
settings = Установки
settings = Установки
Setasbackgroundmusic = установить как фоновую музыку
Standard = Стандартный
Standard = Стандартный
ShutdowntoIdle = Перевести в режим сна
ShutdowntoIdle = Перевести в режим сна
ShutdownSystem = Выключить систему
ShutdownSystem = Выключить систему
Success = Успех:
Success = Успех:
Successfullyinstalled = Успешно установлено:
Successfullyinstalled = Успешно установлено:
Successfullyupdated = Успешно обновлено
Successfullydeleted = Успешно удалено:
Successfullydeleted = Успешно удалено:
SuccessfullySaved = Успешно сохранено
SuccessfullySaved = Успешно сохранено
SystemDefault = По умолчанию
SystemDefault = По умолчанию
@ -163,6 +174,12 @@ Unicodefix = фикс Unicode
Uninstall = Деинсталлировать
Uninstall = Деинсталлировать
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX заблокирован
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX заблокирован
USBDevicenotfound = USB устройство не найдено
USBDevicenotfound = USB устройство не найдено
updating = обновляю
Updatepath = Путь к обновлениям
Updatepathchanged = Путь к обновлениям изменен
Updatefailed = Обновление не удалось
Updatedol = Обновить DOL
Updateall = Обновить всё
VideoMode = Видео режим
VideoMode = Видео режим
VIDTVPatch = патч VIDTV
VIDTVPatch = патч VIDTV
Volume = Громкость
Volume = Громкость
@ -170,6 +187,7 @@ Waiting = Ожидание...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Ожидание USB устройства
WaitingforUSBDevice = Ожидание USB устройства
WidescreenFix = Широкоформатный фикс
WidescreenFix = Широкоформатный фикс
WiiMenu = Меню Wii
WiiMenu = Меню Wii
Wiilight = подсветка Wii
WrongPassword = Неверный пароль
WrongPassword = Неверный пароль
Yes = Да
Yes = Да
YoudonthavecIOS = У вас не установлен cIOS222
YoudonthavecIOS = У вас не установлен cIOS222
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Backgroundmusicpath = Ruta a M
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Volver a HBC o Menú Wii
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Volver a HBC o Menú Wii
BacktoLoader = Volver al HBC
BacktoLoader = Volver al HBC
BacktoWiiMenu = Volver a Menú Wii
BacktoWiiMenu = Volver a Menú Wii
BootStandard = Inicio/Estandar
BootStandard = Inicio/Estándar
Both = Ambos
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = No se creó directorio
Cantcreatedirectory = No se creó directorio
Cancel = Cancelar
Cancel = Cancelar
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ CoverDownload = Descarga de Car
CoverPath = Ruta Carátulas
CoverPath = Ruta Carátulas
CoverpathChanged = Ruta de Carátulas cambiada
CoverpathChanged = Ruta de Carátulas cambiada
Coverpathchange = Cambio ruta Carátulas
Coverpathchange = Cambio ruta Carátulas
count = Veces Jugadas
count = Jugado
Credits = Créditos
Credits = Créditos
DiscImages = Imágen Discos
DiscImages = Imágen Discos
DiscimagePath = Ruta Img. Disco
DiscimagePath = Ruta Img. Disco
@ -41,22 +41,24 @@ DiscDefault = Pred. Disco
Display = Mostrar
Display = Mostrar
Doyouwanttoformat = Quieres formatear:
Doyouwanttoformat = Quieres formatear:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = ¿Realmente quieres borrar?:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = ¿Realmente quieres borrar?:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = ¿Quiéres reintentar por 30 segs.?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = ¿Quieres reintentar por 30 segs.?
Downloadingfile = Descargando archivo:
Downloadingfile = Descargando archivo
DownloadBoxartimage = ¿Descargar Imágenes?
DownloadBoxartimage = ¿Descargar Imágenes?
Downloadfinished = Descarga completa
Downloadfinished = Descarga completa
Defaultgamesettings = Conf. Pred. Juegos
Defaultsettings = Configuración Pred.
Error = ¡Error!
Error = ¡Error!
ErrorreadingDisc = Error leyendo Disco
ErrorreadingDisc = Error leyendo Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = ¿Salir de USB Loader GX?
ExitUSBISOLoader = ¿Salir de USB Loader GX?
Homemenu = Menú de Inicio
Homemenu = Menú HOME
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Conexión
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Conexión
InsertDisk = Inserta el Disco
InsertDisk = Inserta el Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = ¡Inserta un Disco Wii!
InsertaWiiDisc = ¡Inserta un Disco Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insertar SD para bajar imágenes.
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insertar SD para bajar imágenes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insertar SD para guardar.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insertar SD para guardar.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insertar SD para usar esta opción
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insertar SD para usar esta opción
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas las caracteristicas del USB Loader GX desbloqueadas.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas las características del USB Loader GX desbloqueadas.
Installerror = ¡Error de Instalación!
Installerror = ¡Error de Instalación!
Installagame = Instalar un juego
Installagame = Instalar un juego
Installinggame = Instalando juego:
Installinggame = Instalando juego:
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ FailedtosetUSB = Fallo al iniciar USB:
Failedformating = Fallo al formatear
Failedformating = Fallo al formatear
fave = Favoritos
fave = Favoritos
Filenotfound = Archivo no encontrado.
Filenotfound = Archivo no encontrado.
filesnotfoundontheserver = ¡ Archivo(s) no encontrado(s) en el servidor!
filesnotfoundontheserver = archivo(s) no encontrado(s) en el servidor.
filesleft = archivo(s) restante(s)
filesleft = archivo(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Desplazamiento X
FlipX = Desplazamiento X
Force = Forzar
Force = Forzar
@ -93,8 +95,8 @@ Left = Izquierda
LikeSysMenu = Como Menú Sist.
LikeSysMenu = Como Menú Sist.
LoadingincIOS = Cargando en cIOS249
LoadingincIOS = Cargando en cIOS249
ListSort = Ordenar juegos
ListSort = Ordenar juegos
Loadingstandardlanguage = Cargando idioma estandar.
Loadingstandardlanguage = Cargando idioma estándar.
Loadingstandardmusic = Cargando música estandar.
Loadingstandardmusic = Cargando música estándar.
Lock = Bloquear
Lock = Bloquear
LockConsole = Bloquear consola
LockConsole = Bloquear consola
MP3Menu = Menú MP3
MP3Menu = Menú MP3
@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ OFF = Apagado
OfficialSite = Sitio Oficial
OfficialSite = Sitio Oficial
ok = OK
ok = OK
ON = Encendido
ON = Encendido
OnlyInstall = Sólo para instalación
Parentalcontrol = Control Parental
Parentalcontrol = Control Parental
Partition = Partición
Partition = Partición
Password = Contraseña
Password = Contraseña
@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ PasswordChanged = Contrase
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Contraseña ha sido cambiada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Contraseña ha sido cambiada
Passwordchange = Cambio Contraseña
Passwordchange = Cambio Contraseña
PowerofftheWii = Apagar la Wii
PowerofftheWii = Apagar la Wii
Plays = Veces Jugadas
Plays = Jugado
Prev = Ant.
Prev = Ant.
PromptsButtons = Botones
PromptsButtons = Botones
ReloadSD = Recargar SD
ReloadSD = Recargar SD
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ SelectthePartition = Selecciona la partici
youwanttoformat = ¿quieres formatear?
youwanttoformat = ¿quieres formatear?
settings = Configuración
settings = Configuración
Setasbackgroundmusic = Poner como música de fondo
Setasbackgroundmusic = Poner como música de fondo
Standard = Estandar
Standard = Estándar
ShutdowntoIdle = Apagar a Idle
ShutdowntoIdle = Apagar a Idle
ShutdownSystem = Apagar Sistema
ShutdownSystem = Apagar Sistema
Success = Conseguido:
Success = Conseguido:
@ -165,9 +168,9 @@ TitlestxtpathChanged = Ruta a titles.txt cambiada.
Titlestxtpathchange = Cambio ruta titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Cambio ruta titles.txt
Try = Intentar
Try = Intentar
Tooltips = InfoBurbujas
Tooltips = InfoBurbujas
Timeleft = T. restante:
Timeleft = T. rest.:
Unlock = Desbloquear
Unlock = Desbloquear
Unicodefix = Párche Unicode
Unicodefix = Parche Unicode
Uninstall = Desinstalar
Uninstall = Desinstalar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está protegido
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está protegido
USBDevicenotfound = USB no encontrado
USBDevicenotfound = USB no encontrado
@ -178,8 +181,9 @@ Waiting = Esperando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Esperando al Dispositivo USB
WaitingforUSBDevice = Esperando al Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Ajuste panorámico
WidescreenFix = Ajuste panorámico
WiiMenu = Menú de Wii
WiiMenu = Menú de Wii
Wiilight = Luz lector
WrongPassword = Contraseña incorrecta
WrongPassword = Contraseña incorrecta
Yes = Si
Yes = Sí
YoudonthavecIOS = No tienes un cIOS222
YoudonthavecIOS = No tienes un cIOS222
Japanese = Japonés
Japanese = Japonés
German = Alemán
German = Alemán
@ -191,4 +195,16 @@ Dutch = Holand
SChinese = Chino Simplif.
SChinese = Chino Simplif.
TChinese = Chino Tradic.
TChinese = Chino Tradic.
Korean = Coreano
Korean = Coreano
Updatepath = Ruta Actualización
Updatepathchanged = Ruta Actualización cambiada.
Updatefailed = Fallo en la Actualización
available = disponible
CheckingforUpdates = Verificando Actualizaciones
Doyouwanttoupdate = ¿Cómo quieres actualizar?
Nonewupdates = No hay actualizaciones.
Restarting = Reiniciando...
Successfullyupdated = Actualización correcta
updating = Actualizando
Updatedol = Actualizar DOL
Updateall = Actualizar Todo
Patchcountrystrings = Parche Frases de País
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Specialthanksto = Speciella tack till
t3Covers = 3D-Omslag
AppLanguage = Programspråk
Areyousure = Är du säker?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Back = Tillbaka
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Tillbaka till HBC eller Wii-Menyn
BacktoLoader = Tillbaka till loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Tillbaka till Wii-menyn
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Båda
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan inte skapa mapp
Cancel = Ångra
Cantbeformated = Kan inte formateras
Cantdelete = Kan ej radera:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klicka för att ladda ner omslag
Clock = Klocka
Continueinstallgame = Fortsätt installera spel?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolens inställning
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsolen måste vara upplåst för att kunna ändra det.
ConsoleLocked = Konsol låst
CorrectPassword = Rätt lösenord
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kunde inte starta nätverket!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kunde inte öppna skivan
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kunde inte starta "DIP-module"!
CoverDownload = Omslagsnedladdning
CoverPath = Omslagsmapp
CoverpathChanged = Omslagsmapp ändrad
Coverpathchange = Ändra Omslagsmapp
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = Skivbilder
DiscimagePath = Skivbildsmapp
DiscpathChanged = Skivbildsmapp ändrad
Discpathchange = Ändra skivbildsmapp
DiscDefault = Skivans inställning
Display = Visning
Doyouwanttoformat = Vill du formatera:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Vill du verkligen radera:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vill du försöka igen i 30 sekunder?
Downloadingfile = Laddar ned fil:
DownloadBoxartimage = Ladda ner omslagsbild?
Downloadfinished = Nedladdning klar
Error = Fel!
ErrorreadingDisc = Fel vid läsning av skiva
ExitUSBISOLoader = Avsluta USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Startar nätverk
InsertDisk = Sätt i en skiva
InsertaWiiDisc = Sätt i en Wii-skiva!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = sätt i ett SD-kort för att ladda ner bilder.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Sätt i ett SD-kort för att spara.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alla funktioner i USB Loader GX är upplåsta.
Installerror = Fel vid installering!
Installagame = Installera ett spel
Installinggame = Installerar spel:
Failedtoboot = Misslyckades att starta:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Misslyckades att hitta SD-kort
FailedtosetUSB = USB-enheten kunde inte registreras:
Failedformating = Formatering misslyckad
filesnotfoundontheserver = Filerna hittades inte på servern!
filesleft = filer kvar
FlipX = Vänd-X
Force = Tvinga
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du behöver formatera en partition
Format = Formatera
Formattingpleasewait = Formaterar, Vänta...
formated = formaterad!
free = ledigt
FreeSpace = Ledigt utrymme
FullShutdown = Stäng av helt
GameID = Spel-ID
Games = Spel
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spelet är redan installerat:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Spelstorlek
GoBack = Gå tillbaka
//GotoPage = Gå till sida
HowtoShutdown = Hur vill du stänga av?
Language = Språk
Langchange = Ändra språk
Left = Vänster
LikeSysMenu = Som System-menyn
LoadingincIOS = Laddar i cIOS249
Lock = Lås
LockConsole = Lås konsol
MP3Menu = MP3-Meny
Missingfiles = Filer som saknas
Networkiniterror = Fel vid nätverksstart
Neither = Inget
Next = Nästa
No = Nej
Nofilemissing = Inga filer saknas!
NoHDDfound = Ingen hårddisk hittad!
NoSDcardinserted = Inget SD-kort insatt!
Nopartitionsfound = Hittade ingen partition
NoUSBDevice = Ingen USB-enhet
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ingen WBFS-partition hittad
NormalCovers = Vanliga omslag
Normal = Vanlig
NotaWiiDisc = Inte en Wii-skiva
NoUSBDevicefound = Ingen USB-enhet hittad.
Notenoughfreespace = Ej tillräckligt med ledigt utrymme!
notset = Inget satt
of = av
OfficialSite = Officiell Sida
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Föräldrakontroll
Partition = Partition
Password = Lösenord
PasswordChanged = Lösenordet ändrat
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Lösenordet har ändrats
Passwordchange = Ändra lösenord
PowerofftheWii = Stäng av Wii
Prev = Förra
PromptsButtons = Dialogknappar
ReloadSD = Ladda om SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Döp om spel på WBFS
Restart = Starta om
Return = Återvänd
ReturntoWii = Återvänd till Wii-menyn
Right = Höger
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Snabb start
Save = Spara
SaveFailed = Sparning misslyckad
Specialthanksto = Speciella tack till
For = för
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = och släppet av källkoden
secondsleft = sekunder kvar
SelectthePartition = Bestäm partition
youwanttoformat = du vill formatera
settings = Inställningar
ShutdowntoIdle = Stäng av
ShutdownSystem = Stäng av helt
Success = Lyckat:
Successfullyinstalled = Lyckad installation av:
Successfullydeleted = Lyckad radering av:
SuccessfullySaved = Lyckad sparning
SystemDefault = Systemets Standard
ThemePath = Tema-mapp
ThemepathChanged = Tema-mapp ändrad
Themepathchange = Byt Tema-mapp
Try = Försök
Tooltips = Verktygstips
Timeleft = Tid kvar:
Unlock = Lås upp
Uninstall = Avinstallera
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX är skyddad
USBDevicenotfound = USB-enhet ej hittad
VideoMode = Video-läge
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV-Patch
Volume = Volym
Waiting = Väntar...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Väntar på USB-enhet
WidescreenFix = Bredbild 16/9 Fix
WiiMenu = Wii-meny
WrongPassword = Fel Lösenord
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har inte cIOS222
Japanese = Japanska
German = Tyska
English = Engelska
French = Franska
Spanish = Spanska
Italian = Italienska
Dutch = Nederländska
SChinese = SKinesiska
TChinese = TKinesiska
Korean = Koreanska
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
t3Coverst = 3D 封面
t3Coverst = 3D 封面
addToFavorite = 新增至我的最愛
all = 全部
AppLanguage = 語言設定
AppLanguage = 語言設定
available = 可取得
Areyousure = 確定?
Areyousure = 確定?
AutoPatch = 自動修改
AutoPatch = 自動修改
Back = 返回
Back = 返回
Backgroundmusic = 背景音樂
Backgroundmusicpath = 背景音樂路徑
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 返回 HBC 或 Wii 系統選單
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 返回 HBC 或 Wii 系統選單
BacktoLoader = 返回 Loader
BacktoLoader = 返回 Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = 返回 Wii 系統選單
BacktoWiiMenu = 返回 Wii 系統選單
@ -13,8 +17,10 @@ Cantcreatedirectory =
Cancel = 取消
Cancel = 取消
Cantbeformated = 無法格式化
Cantbeformated = 無法格式化
Cantdelete = 無法刪除:
Cantdelete = 無法刪除:
CheckingforUpdates = 正在檢查更新
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 點擊進行封面下載
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 點擊進行封面下載
Clock = 時鐘
Clock = 時鐘
Close = 關閉
Continueinstallgame = 繼續安裝遊戲?
Continueinstallgame = 繼續安裝遊戲?
ConsoleDefault = 主機預設值
ConsoleDefault = 主機預設值
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 需解鎖以開啟設定功能.
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 需解鎖以開啟設定功能.
@ -24,9 +30,10 @@ Couldnotinitializenetwork =
CouldnotopenDisc = 無法開啟光碟
CouldnotopenDisc = 無法開啟光碟
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = 無法啟動 DIP 模組!
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = 無法啟動 DIP 模組!
CoverDownload = 下載封面
CoverDownload = 下載封面
CoverPath = 封面存放路徑
CoverPath = 封面路徑
CoverpathChanged = 封面路徑已變更
CoverpathChanged = 封面路徑已變更
Coverpathchange = 變更封面路徑
Coverpathchange = 變更封面路徑
count = 執行次數
Credits = Credits
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = 光碟圖像
DiscImages = 光碟圖像
DiscimagePath = 光碟圖像路徑
DiscimagePath = 光碟圖像路徑
@ -37,9 +44,12 @@ Display =
Doyouwanttoformat = 是否格式化:
Doyouwanttoformat = 是否格式化:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 確定刪除:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 確定刪除:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 是否等待30秒重試?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 是否等待30秒重試?
Downloadingfile = 下載檔案:
Doyouwanttoupdate = 是否執行更新?
Downloadingfile = 檔案下載中
DownloadBoxartimage = 下載外盒封面圖片?
DownloadBoxartimage = 下載外盒封面圖片?
Downloadfinished = 下載完成
Downloadfinished = 下載完成
Defaultgamesettings = 初始化遊戲設定
Defaultsettings = 初始化設定
Error = 錯誤 !
Error = 錯誤 !
ErrorreadingDisc = 讀取光碟錯誤
ErrorreadingDisc = 讀取光碟錯誤
@ -49,6 +59,7 @@ InsertDisk =
InsertaWiiDisc = 插入 Wii 光碟!
InsertaWiiDisc = 插入 Wii 光碟!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 插入 SD 卡下載封面.
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 插入 SD 卡下載封面.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 插入 SD 卡儲存.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 插入 SD 卡儲存.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = 插入 SD 卡以使用該功能
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB Loader GX 功能已解鎖.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB Loader GX 功能已解鎖.
Installerror = 安裝錯誤!
Installerror = 安裝錯誤!
Installagame = 安裝遊戲
Installagame = 安裝遊戲
@ -57,6 +68,8 @@ Failedtoboot =
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = 掛載前端 SD 卡失敗
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = 掛載前端 SD 卡失敗
FailedtosetUSB = 無法設定 USB:
FailedtosetUSB = 無法設定 USB:
Failedformating = 格式化失敗
Failedformating = 格式化失敗
fave = 我的最愛
Filenotfound = 找不到該檔案
filesnotfoundontheserver = 伺服器中無此檔案!
filesnotfoundontheserver = 伺服器中無此檔案!
filesleft = 剩下的檔案
filesleft = 剩下的檔案
FlipX = 按鍵規則
FlipX = 按鍵規則
@ -67,7 +80,7 @@ Formattingpleasewait =
formated = 完成格式化!
formated = 完成格式化!
free =
free =
FreeSpace = 剩餘空間
FreeSpace = 剩餘空間
FullShutdown = 完全關機
FullShutdown = 關機
GameID = 遊戲代碼
GameID = 遊戲代碼
Games = 遊戲數量
Games = 遊戲數量
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 已安裝過遊戲:
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 已安裝過遊戲:
@ -75,17 +88,22 @@ GameRegion =
GameSize = 遊戲容量
GameSize = 遊戲容量
GoBack = 返回
GoBack = 返回
//GotoPage = 前往頁面
//GotoPage = 前往頁面
HowtoShutdown = 如何關機?
HowtoShutdown = 關機選項<E981B8>?
Homemenu = 主選單
hour = 小時制
Keyboard = 鍵盤
Keyboard = 鍵盤
Language = 語言
Language = 語言
Langchange = 變更語言
Langchange = 變更語言
Left = 左
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = 同系統選單
LikeSysMenu = 同系統選單
ListSort = 表單排序
LoadingincIOS = 以 cIOS249 載入
LoadingincIOS = 以 cIOS249 載入
Loadingstandardlanguage = 載入預設語言
Loadingstandardmusic = 載入預設音樂
Lock = 鎖定
Lock = 鎖定
LockConsole = 鎖定控制台
LockConsole = 鎖定控制台
MP3Menu = MP3 選單
MP3Menu = MP3 選單
Missingfiles = 遺失的檔案
Missingfiles = 缺少的檔案
Networkiniterror = 網路啟動錯誤
Networkiniterror = 網路啟動錯誤
Neither = 皆不顯示
Neither = 皆不顯示
Next = 往後
Next = 往後
@ -96,17 +114,20 @@ NoSDcardinserted =
Nopartitionsfound = 找不到磁區
Nopartitionsfound = 找不到磁區
NoUSBDevice = 沒有 USB 裝置
NoUSBDevice = 沒有 USB 裝置
NoWBFSpartitionfound = 找不到 WBFS 磁區
NoWBFSpartitionfound = 找不到 WBFS 磁區
Nonewupdates = 無可用更新
NormalCovers = 一般封面
NormalCovers = 一般封面
Normal = 一般
Normal = 一般
NotaWiiDisc = 不是 Wii 的光碟
NotaWiiDisc = 不是 Wii 的光碟
NoUSBDevicefound = 找不到 USB 裝置.
NoUSBDevicefound = 找不到 USB 裝置.
Notenoughfreespace = 剩餘空間不足!
Notenoughfreespace = 剩餘空間不足!
Notasupportedformat = 未支援的格式
notset = 未設定
notset = 未設定
of = 剩餘空間 總容量
of = 剩餘空間 總容量
OFF = 關閉
OFF = 關閉
OfficialSite = 官方網址
OfficialSite = 官方網址
ok = 確定
ok = 確定
ON = 開啟
ON = 開啟
OnlyInstall = 安裝遊戲時
Parentalcontrol = 親子控制
Parentalcontrol = 親子控制
Partition = 磁區
Partition = 磁區
Password = 密碼
Password = 密碼
@ -117,10 +138,11 @@ PowerofftheWii =
Prev = 往前
Prev = 往前
PromptsButtons = 顯示校正
PromptsButtons = 顯示校正
ReloadSD = 重新載入SD卡
ReloadSD = 重新載入SD卡
RenameGameonWBFS = 改變WBFS上的遊戲名稱
RenameGameonWBFS = 變更 WBFS 上的遊戲名稱
Restart = 重新啟動
Restart = 重新啟動
Restarting = 正在重新啟動
Return = 返回
Return = 返回
ReturntoWii = 返回Wii系統選單
RReturntoWiiMenu = 返回系統選單
Right = 右
Right = 右
Rumble = 震動
Rumble = 震動
QuickBoot = 快速啟動
QuickBoot = 快速啟動
@ -128,28 +150,39 @@ Save =
SaveFailed = 儲存失敗
SaveFailed = 儲存失敗
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
For = 的
For = 的
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 釋出原始碼
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 與釋出的原始碼
secondsleft = 剩餘秒數
secondsleft = 剩餘秒數
SelectthePartition = 選擇磁區
SelectthePartition = 選擇磁區
youwanttoformat = 是否格式化
youwanttoformat = 是否格式化
settings = 設定
settings = 設定
Setasbackgroundmusic = 設定背景音樂
Standard = 預設
ShutdowntoIdle = 進入待機狀態
ShutdowntoIdle = 進入待機狀態
ShutdownSystem = 關閉系統
ShutdownSystem = 關閉系統
Success = 成功:
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = 成功的安裝:
Successfullyinstalled = 成功的安裝:
Successfullyupdated = 更新已完成
Successfullydeleted = 成功的刪除:
Successfullydeleted = 成功的刪除:
SuccessfullySaved = 儲存成功
SuccessfullySaved = 儲存成功
SystemDefault = 系統預設值
SystemDefault = 系統預設值
ThemePath = 背景主題
ThemePath = 背景主題路徑
ThemepathChanged = 背景主題路徑已變更
ThemepathChanged = 背景主題路徑已變更
Themepathchange = 變更背景主題路徑
Themepathchange = 變更背景主題路徑
Titlestxtpath = Title檔案路徑
Titlestxtpathchange = 變更 Title 檔案路徑
TitlestxtpathChanged = Title 檔案路徑已變更
Try = 嘗試
Try = 嘗試
Tooltips = 工具提示
Tooltips = 工具提示
Timeleft = 剩餘時間:
Timeleft = 剩餘時間:
Unlock = 解鎖
Unlock = 解鎖
Unicodefix = Unicode 修正
Uninstall = 移除
Uninstall = 移除
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX 被鎖定
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX 被鎖定
USBDevicenotfound = 找不到 USB 裝置
USBDevicenotfound = 找不到 USB 裝置
updating = 正在更新
Updatepath = 更新路徑
Updatepathchanged = 更新路徑已變更
Updatefailed = 更新失敗
VideoMode = 影像格式
VideoMode = 影像格式
Volume = 音量
Volume = 音量
@ -157,6 +190,7 @@ Waiting =
WaitingforUSBDevice = 等待 USB 裝置
WaitingforUSBDevice = 等待 USB 裝置
WidescreenFix = 寬螢幕校正
WidescreenFix = 寬螢幕校正
WiiMenu = Wii 系統選單
WiiMenu = Wii 系統選單
Wiilight = 光碟機藍光
WrongPassword = 密碼錯誤
WrongPassword = 密碼錯誤
Yes = 是
Yes = 是
YoudonthavecIOS = 未安裝 cIOS222
YoudonthavecIOS = 未安裝 cIOS222
@ -170,9 +204,3 @@ Dutch =
SChinese = 簡體中文
SChinese = 簡體中文
TChinese = 繁體中文
TChinese = 繁體中文
Korean = 韓文
Korean = 韓文
Unicodefix = Unicode 修正
Filenotfound = 找不到檔案
Loadingstandardlanguage = 載入標準語言
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt 路徑
TitlestxtpathChanged = titles.txt 路徑已變更
Titlestxtpathchange = 變更 titles.txt 路徑
@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updatepathchanged, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updatepathchanged), "Update
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updatefailed, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updatefailed), "Update failed");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updatefailed, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updatefailed), "Update failed");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updatedol, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updatedol), "Update DOL");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updatedol, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updatedol), "Update DOL");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updateall, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updateall), "Update All");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updateall, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updateall), "Update All");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Updateto, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updateto), "Update to");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected), "USB Loader GX is protected");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected), "USB Loader GX is protected");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound), "USB Device not found");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound), "USB Device not found");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.VideoMode, sizeof(LANGUAGE.VideoMode), "Video Mode");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.VideoMode, sizeof(LANGUAGE.VideoMode), "Video Mode");
@ -972,6 +973,10 @@ void language_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Updateall, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updateall));
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Updateall, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updateall));
if (strcmp(name, "Updateto") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Updateto, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Updateto));
if (strcmp(name, "USBLoaderisprotected") == 0) {
if (strcmp(name, "USBLoaderisprotected") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected));
strcopy(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected));
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ struct LANGUAGE
char Updatefailed[40];
char Updatefailed[40];
char Updatedol[40];
char Updatedol[40];
char Updateall[40];
char Updateall[40];
char Updateto[40];
char VideoMode[50];
char VideoMode[50];
char VIDTVPatch[50];
char VIDTVPatch[50];
char Volume[50];
char Volume[50];
@ -2369,7 +2369,7 @@ ProgressUpdateWindow()
msgTxt.SetTextf("Updating to Rev%i", revnumber);
msgTxt.SetTextf("%s Rev%i", LANGUAGE.Updateto, revnumber);
int filesize = downloadrev("http://www.techjawa.com/usbloadergx/boot.dol");
int filesize = downloadrev("http://www.techjawa.com/usbloadergx/boot.dol");
if(filesize > 0) {
if(filesize > 0) {
pfile = fopen(dolpath, "wb");
pfile = fopen(dolpath, "wb");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user