Also, use flat 2d covers, the fake 3d ones look like shit on this. and if you have your wii in 4/3 mode it wont show anything (i don't think it will. i didn't test it).
*Lots of small fixes
*Added Error002fix selection in GameSettings
**NOTE 1: You might want to delete your Configfiles before using this new Rev.
**NOTE 2: Known issue with Settings is that WiiMotePointer is sometimes being displaced. I am searching for the reason right now.
*added RemoveSoundClick to guibutton prototype
*removed the click sound from Wii/Home button
*applied widescreen fix to arrow buttons in caroselle and grid
*Added Carousel back in
*Changed UMS Heapsize which increases compatibility for some HDD Devices with cIOS38 Rev12
**NOTE: If anyone encounters any HDD detection problems which start from this rev on, make an issue and we can revert that thing.