fix TXTcheatpath not being saved
made prompt and call you an idiot if you try to load in image that has bad dimensions.
added stuff from the cheat menu to be translatable
maybe fixed an issue with cheatcode names being too long and running on/off out of site
un comment sam & max fix. we were under the impression that it only worked from disc but somebody said that it is working from USB also with ios rev 10 or 13a. i have left out the ios checks to see if it works with any ios and also it is only on if the game ID matches one of the two listed on for this game.
drink a beer
Also, use flat 2d covers, the fake 3d ones look like shit on this. and if you have your wii in 4/3 mode it wont show anything (i don't think it will. i didn't test it).
*Lots of small fixes
*Added Error002fix selection in GameSettings
**NOTE 1: You might want to delete your Configfiles before using this new Rev.
**NOTE 2: Known issue with Settings is that WiiMotePointer is sometimes being displaced. I am searching for the reason right now.
*added RemoveSoundClick to guibutton prototype
*removed the click sound from Wii/Home button
*applied widescreen fix to arrow buttons in caroselle and grid
*Added Carousel back in
*Changed UMS Heapsize which increases compatibility for some HDD Devices with cIOS38 Rev12
**NOTE: If anyone encounters any HDD detection problems which start from this rev on, make an issue and we can revert that thing.