VPADStatus, 0x1C, accelorometer);
VPADStatus, 0xA3, slideVolumeEx);
uint32_t hold
Indicates what VPADButtons are held down.
uint32_t release
Indicates what VPADButtons have been released since last sample.
uint16_t validity
Bitfield of VPADTouchPadValidity to indicate how touch sample accuracy.
VPADVec2D rightStick
Position of right analog stick.
VPADGyroStatus gyro
Status of DRC gyro.
VPADVec2D leftStick
Position of left analog stick.
uint8_t micStatus
Status of DRC microphone.
uint8_t slideVolume
Current volume set by the slide control.
VPADTouchData tpNormal
Current touch position on DRC.
uint8_t slideVolumeEx
Unknown volume related value.
VPADTouchData tpFiltered1
Filtered touch position, first level of smoothing.
VPADTouchData tpFiltered2
Filtered touch position, second level of smoothing.
VPADAccStatus accelorometer
Status of DRC accelorometer.
uint32_t trigger
Indicates what VPADButtons have been pressed since last sample.
uint16_t touched
0 if screen is not currently being touched
VPADVec3D mag
Status of DRC magnetometer.
uint8_t battery
Battery level of controller.