Modified Mapper 226 to use pulsing M2 code (BMC Super 42-in-1, 76-in-1, et al.).
Added Mapper 233 which requires power cycling the cart reader to switch between the two PRG chips (BMC 22-in-1/20-in-1 (42-in-1)).
- Add support for simulating a long press for the serial interface by
seinding `l` or `L`. This lets someone actually run the SNES clock
calibration using the serial interface.
- Don't use ` - 48` to extract chars. Just treat the data
as chars. This is more legible, and actually reduced the program
storage space utilization slightly.
- Remove incomingByte global variable, mark all uses as local
variables. This leads to a tiny (yet measurable) decrease in global
variable use, and no change in sketch memory use. Of course, the
variable now resides in the stack, but only while the functions using
it exist, which isn't always.
- RAM dump extension changed from .bin to .sav for direct use with emulators (see
- regrouped scripts for MMC3-based mappers
- regrouped scripts for CxROM-like mappers
- regrouped scripts for BxROM-like mappers
- added support for 268 submapper 1
Added support for the Hudson Soft Bee Pack and Bee Cards.
Requires a Hudson Soft Bee Pack inserted into the MSX Adapter.
Be sure to fully insert the Bee Card into the Bee Pack.
Select Mapper 14 "Hudson Soft Bee Pack" and set the ROM size (16K/32K).
Added support for new Flash chips - MX25L4005 and MX25L6405.
The new chips were found in cart with PCB B1043-03B.
Removed the ROM size selection as we detect the ROM size based on the Flash ID.