- made the following fanart changes:
*fanart still auto displays
*only fanart shows. no cover and no game title and no buttons (play, back, favs, etc.)
*to stop and exit fanart press 'a' while pointer hand is on screen. if pointer hand is not on screen pressing 'a' launches game. pressing 'b' exits game selected screen and returns to normal coverflow. d-pad right and left still go to next or previous game.
*fanart can either play once or loop.
when play once is done it automatically clears fanart and returns to cover view.
with looping it will restart the fanart. looping is good for slideshows of game images.
looping and play once is determined by the setting "show_cover_after_animation". if set to no then looping is enabled. set to yes for only once.
plugin fanart goes in wiiflow/fanart/{coverfolder}/{gametitle}
replace {coverfolder} with the coverfolder= that's set in the plugin's ini file.
replace {gametitle} with title of the rom file without the extension.
the fanart ini file must match the {gametitle} you used for the folder.
-fixed fanart usage
-fixed still selectable banner toggle if fanart is found
-added new setting to the wiiflow.ini, "dml_activity_led" (enabled
by default), in [DML] section, it controls the DML drive light
when the gamecube game is busy
-cleaned up some stuff
to be divisible with 4 anymore, you can use what you want
-moved sound buffers back in mem2, idk but for wiiflow it gives
a better result
-added mem2 memalign placeholder for new memory manager (after
a week still everything but finished)
-updated other small things, cleaned up source structure a bit