- now you can have as many categories as you want.
- copied the idea of selected, hidden, and required categories from USB Loader GX. Thanks Cyan. Checkmark = selected, X = Hidden, and + = Required.
- redid categories.ini layout and renamed it categories_v4.ini so you can copy and paste settings from the old one to the new one. Each view (USB,DML,EMU,NAND,HOMEBREW) has it's own numcategories, category names, and category settings. All games are now seperated based on the view. Don't forget to add 1 to numcategories for the show All mode.
- Replaced All checkbox with CLEAR button which clears all checkboxes so no category is selected and all games will be shown.
- Added features to the Game Selected Categories Menu. Now the title is the title of the current game. You can now press plus(+) and minus(-) on wiimote to go to the next or previous games without going back to previous screen making it easier to setup categories for your games.
- note: all changes will not be saved in categories_v4.ini unless you exit wiiflow or launch a game.
*Download order:
- Original only = Box -> Flat
- Original/Original = Box -> Flat -> Alt box -> Alt flat
- Original/Custom = Box -> Alt box -> Flat -> Alt flat
- Custom/Original = Alt box -> Box -> Alt flat -> Flat
- Custom/Custom = Alt box -> Alt flat -> Box -> Flat
- Custom only = Alt box -> Alt flat
*It's now possible to download covers from a different language or region as set in the language string and you can select what languages or regions to check (Working, but unfinished)
* Added a check for GameTDB if an alternate or custom cover is available
* Fixed GameTDB code for getting the casecolor
* Gamecube is now also included in GameTDB (Thanks lustar)
* Reverted Catagories selection menu.cpp
* And probably some things i forget to list