Following NES color palettes added to FCE Ultra GX:
- Restored Wii VC palette (SuperrSonic)
- Original Wii Virtual Console palette (SuperrSonic)
- PAL color palette
- Magnum (FBX/FireBrandX)
This changes the following:
- Uploads a separate Wii and Gamecube artifact
- Excludes uploading the elf files
- Creates the complete Wii structure under executables/FCEUltraGX
- Creates the complete GameCube structure under executables/FCEUltraGX-GameCube
- Doesn't upload empty folders like the fceugx folder with cheats, roms and saves but it is created in a local environment
* Updated korean language translation
The text is organized in alphabetical order.
The texts for the interface are the first and the texts for Snes9x GX were moved at the end to have a better order and facilitate translation into other languages.
* Updated korean language translation
The text is organized in alphabetical order.
The texts for the interface are the first and the texts for Snes9x GX were moved at the end to have a better order and facilitate translation into other languages.
* Updated korean language translation
The text is organized in alphabetical order.
The texts for the interface are the first and the texts for Snes9x GX were moved at the end to have a better order and facilitate translation into other languages.
* Updated korean language translation
The text is organized in alphabetical order.
The texts for the interface are the first and the texts for FCE Ultra GX were moved at the end to have a better order and facilitate translation into other languages.
* Updated korean language translation
Translations have been added for the text "Chinese (Simplified)" and "Chinese (Traditional)".