*Added Unicode fix (thx to CDGod) (Chinese fix.) You might need another font for it. We won't include the Unicode font since its too big.

*Added some new Language Variables (check out Wiki)
*Added Languages to SVN
*Added titles.txt path changeable
*Changed CONFIGFILENAMES to GXGlobal.cfg, GXGameSettings.cfg and GXtheme.cfg !!!

Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik)
Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990)
Spanish (final v1 tlozano)
French (final v1 by Amour)
T.Chinese (final v1 by kyogc)
This commit is contained in:
dimok321 2009-05-17 08:40:47 +00:00
parent f975fff261
commit 05f7dcb368
15 changed files with 4210 additions and 52 deletions

Languages/dutch Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Specialthanksto = Speciale dank aan
t3Covers = 3D hoesjes
AppLanguage = Applicatietaal
Areyousure = Zeker weten?
AutoPatch = Automatisch patchen
Back = Terug
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Naar HBC of Wiimenu
BacktoLoader = Naar Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Terug naar Wiimenu
BootStandard = Boot/Standaard
BothBoth = Beide
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan map niet maken
Cancel = Annuleren
Cantbeformated = Kan niet formatteren
Cantdelete = Kan niet verwijderen:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klik om hoesjes te downloaden
Clock = Klok
Continueinstallgame = Installatie van spel voortzetten?
ConsoleDefault = Consolestandaard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Aanpassen vereist vrijgeven console
ConsoleLocked = Console op slot
CorrectPassword = Correct wachtwoord
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Netwerk kan niet worden ingesteld
CouldnotopenDisc = Schijf kan niet worden geopend
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP module kan niet worden ingesteld
CoverDownload = Hoesjes downloaden
CoverPath = Hoesjesmap
CoverpathChanged = Hoesjesmap gewijzigd
Coverpathchange = Hoesjesmap wijzigen
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = Discplaatjes
DiscimagePath = Discplaatjesmap
DiscpathChanged = Discplaatjesmap gewijzigd
Discpathchange = Discplaatjesmap wijzigen
DiscDefault = Discstandaard
Display = Weergeven
Doyouwanttoformat = Wil je dit formatteren:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Wil je dit echt verwijderen:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 30 seconden lang opnieuw proberen?
Downloadingfile = Bezig met downloaden:
DownloadBoxartimage = Hoesjes downloaden?
Downloadfinished = Downloaden voltooid
Error = Fout!
ErrorreadingDisc = Fout tijdens lezen van disc
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX afsluiten?
InitializingNetwork = Netwerk instellen
InsertDisk = Voer een schijf in
InsertaWiiDisc = Voer een Wiischijf in
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Voer een SD-kaart in voor de plaatjes
InsertaSDCardtosave = Voor een SD-kaart in voor het opslaan
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle functies van de USB-loader zijn vrijgegeven
Installerror = Installatiefout
Installagame = Spel installeren
Installinggame = Bezig met installeren:
Failedtoboot = Fout tijdens laden van:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Kan SD-kaart niet koppelen
FailedtosetUSB = Kan USB niet instellen:
Failedformating = Formatteren mislukt
filesnotfoundontheserver = Bestanden niet gevonden op de server
filesleft = bestanden resterend:
FlipX = X wisselen
Force = Afdwingen
Youneedtoformatapartition = Je moet een partitie formatteren
Format = Formatteren
Formattingpleasewait = Bezig met formatteren, even geduld
formated = geformatteerd!
free = beschikbaar
FreeSpace = Beschikbare ruimte
FullShutdown = Volledig
GameID = Spel ID
Games = Spellen
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spel is reeds geïnstalleerd!
GameRegion = Regio
GameSize = Spelgrootte
GoBack = Ga terug
//GotoPage = Ga naar pagina
HowtoShutdown = Op welke manier uitschakelen?
Language = Taal
Langchange = Taal wijzigen
Left = Links
LikeSysMenu = Zoals systeemmenu
LoadingincIOS = Laden in Cios249
Lock = Vergrendelen
LockConsole = Console vergrendelen
MP3Menu = MP3 Menu
Missingfiles = Ontbrekende bestanden
Networkiniterror = Network initialisatiefout
Neither = Geen
Next = Volgende
No = Nee
Nofilemissing = Alle bestanden compleet!
NoHDDfound = Geen harde schijf gevonden!
NoSDcardinserted = Geen SD-kaart gevonden!
Nopartitionsfound = Geen partities gevonden
NoUSBDevice = Geen USB-apparaat
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Geen WBFS partities gevonden
NormalCovers = Standaard hoesjes
Normal = Standaard
NotaWiiDisc = Geen Wiidisc
NoUSBDevicefound = Geen USB-apparaat gevonden
Notenoughfreespace = Onvoldoende vrije ruimte
notset = niet ingesteld
of = of
OfficialSite = Officiële site
ok = oké
Parentalcontrol = Ouderlijk toezicht
Partition = Partitie
Password = Wachtwoord
PasswordChanged = Wachtwoord gewijzigsd
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Het wachtwoord is gewijzigd
Passwordchange = Wachtwoord wijzigen
PowerofftheWii = Wii uitschakelen
Prev = Vorige
PromptsButtons = Weergave knoppen
ReloadSD = SD herladen
RenameGameonWBFS = Spel hernoemen op WBFS
Restart = Herstarten
Return = Terug
ReturntoWii = Terug naar Wiimenu
Right = Rechts
Rumble = Trillen
QuickBoot = Snelstarten
Save = Opslaan
SaveFailed = Opslaan mislukt
Specialthanksto = Met speciale dank aan
For = voor
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = De USB-Loader en het vrijgeven van de broncode
secondsleft = seconden resterend
SelectthePartition = Selecteer de partitie
youwanttoformat = wil je formatteren
settings = Instellingen
ShutdowntoIdle = Slaapstand
ShutdownSystem = Systeem uitschakelen
Success = Voltooid:
Successfullyinstalled = Installatie voltooid:
Successfullydeleted = Verwijdering voltooid:
SuccessfullySaved = Opslaan voltooid:
SystemDefault = Systeemstandaard
ThemePath = Themamap
ThemepathChanged = Themamap gewijzigd
Themepathchange = Themamap gewijzigd
Try = Proberen
Tooltips = Tekstballonen
Timeleft = Tijd resterend:
Unlock = Vrijgeven
Uninstall = Deïnstalleren
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX is op slot
USBDevicenotfound = USB apparaat niet gevonden
VideoMode = Video Modus
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Volume
Waiting = Wachten...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Wachten op USB-apparaat
WidescreenFix = Breedbeeld
WiiMenu = Wiimenu
WrongPassword = Onjuist wachtwoord
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 niet geïnstalleerd
Japanese = Japans
German = Duits
English = Engels
French = Frans
Spanish = Spaans
Italian = Italiaans
Dutch = Nederlands
SChinese = SChinees
TChinese = TChinees
Korean = Koreaans

Languages/finnish Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Specialthanksto = Erikoiskiitokset:
t3Coverst = 3D kannet
AppLanguage = Ohjelman kieli
Areyousure = Oletko varma?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Back = Takaisin
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Takaisin HBC:hen tai Wii Menuun
BacktoLoader = HBC
BacktoWiiMenu = Takaisin Wii Menuun
BootStandard = K%äynnistys/Standardi
BothBoth = Molemmat
Cantcreatedirectory = Ei voi luoda kansiota
Cancel = Peruuta
Cantbeformated = Ei voida formatoida
Cantdelete = Ei voida poistaa:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klikkaa ladataksesi kansia
Clock = Kello
Continueinstallgame = Jatka pelin asennusta?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolin oletus
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Avaa konsolin lukitus muokataksesi asetuksia.
ConsoleLocked = Konsoli lukittu
CorrectPassword = Oikea salasana
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Verkkoon ei voitu yhdistää!
CouldnotopenDisc = Levyä ei voitu lukea
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP Moduulia ei voitu alustaa!
CoverDownload = kansien lataus
CoverPath = kansien sijainti
CoverpathChanged = kansien sijainti muutettu
Coverpathchange = kansien sijainti
Credits = Tekij%ät
DiscImages = Levykuvat
DiscimagePath = Levykuvien sijainti
DiscpathChanged = Levykuvien sijainti muutettu
Discpathchange = Levykuvien sijainti
DiscDefault = Levy oletus
Display = N%äytt%ö
Doyouwanttoformat = Haluatko formatoida:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Haluatko varmasti formatoida:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Haluatko odottaa 30 sekuntia?
Downloadingfile = Lataa tiedostoa:
DownloadBoxartimage = Lataa kansikuva?
Downloadfinished = Lataus valmistunut
Error = Virhe !
ErrorreadingDisc = Virhe luettaessa levyä
ExitUSBISOLoader = Poistu USB Loader GX:stä?
InitializingNetwork = Yhdistää verkkoon
InsertDisk = Aseta levy Wiihin
InsertaWiiDisc = Aseta Wii-levy!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Aseta SD-kortti ladataksesi kansia.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Aseta SD-kortti tallentaaksesi asetuksia.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Kaikki asetukset on nyt käytettävissä.
Installerror = Asennusvirhe!
Installagame = Asenna peli
Installinggame = Asentaa peliä:
Failedtoboot = Käynnistys ei onnistunut:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Ei voinut asentaa SD-korttia
FailedtosetUSB = USB:ta ei voitu asentaa:
Failedformating = Formatointi ei onnistunut
filesnotfoundontheserver = tiedostoja ei löytynyt serveriltä!
filesleft = tiedosto(j)a jäljellä
FlipX = k%ä%änn%ä-X
Force = Pakota
Youneedtoformatapartition = Sinun täytyy formatoida osio
Format = Formatoi
Formattingpleasewait = Formatoi, odota...
formated = formatoitu!
free = vapaa
FreeSpace = Vapaata tilaa
FullShutdown = Täysi sammutus
GameID = Peli ID
Games = Pelejä
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Peli on jo asennettu:
GameRegion = Alue
GameSize = Pelin koko
GoBack = Mene takaisin
//GotoPage = Mene sivulle
HowtoShutdown = Miten sammutetaan?
Language = Kieli
Langchange = Kielen muuttaminen
Left = Vasen
LikeSysMenu = Kuin wii-menu
LoadingincIOS = Lataa cIOS249
Lock = Lukitse
LockConsole = Lukitse konsoli
MP3Menu = MP3 valikko
Missingfiles = tiedostoa puuttuu
Networkiniterror = Verkon alustusvirhe
Neither = Ei kumpikaan
Next = Seuraava
No = Ei
Nofilemissing = Ei tiedostoja kadoksissa!
NoHDDfound = Kovalevyä ei löytynyt!
NoSDcardinserted = SD-korttia ei ole asetettu wiihin!
Nopartitionsfound = Osioita ei löytynyt
NoUSBDevice = Ei USB-laitetta
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ei WBFS-osioita löytynyt
NormalCovers = Normaalit kannet
Normal = Normaali
NotaWiiDisc = Ei Wii-levy
NoUSBDevicefound = USB-laitetta ei löytynyt.
Notenoughfreespace = Ei tarpeeksi tilaa!
notset = ei asetettu
of = josta
OfficialSite = Virallinen sivusto
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Valvonta
Partition = Osio
Password = Salasana
PasswordChanged = Salasana muutettu
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Salasana on muutettu
Passwordchange = Salasanan vaihto
PowerofftheWii = Sammuta Wii
Prev = Edellinen
PromptsButtons = Napit
ReloadSD = Uudelleenlataa SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Uudelleennimeä peli
Restart = Käynnistä uudelleen
Return = Palaa
ReturntoWii = Palaa Wii-menuun
Right = Oikea
Rumble = V%ärin%ä
QuickBoot = Pikak%äynnistys
Save = Tallenna
SaveFailed = Tallennus ei onnistunut
Specialthanksto = Erikoiskiitokset
For =
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = ja l%ähdekoodin julkaisemisesta
secondsleft = sekuntia jäljellä
SelectthePartition = Valitse osio
youwanttoformat = jonka haluat formatoida
settings = Asetukset
ShutdowntoIdle = Valmiustila
ShutdownSystem = Sammuta järjestelmä
Success = Onnistui:
Successfullyinstalled = Asennettu onnistuneesti:
Successfullydeleted = Poistettu onnistuneesti:
SuccessfullySaved = Tallennettu onnistuneesti
SystemDefault = Wiin oletus
ThemePath = Teeman sijainti
ThemepathChanged = Teeman sijainti muutettu
Themepathchange = Teeman sijainti
Try = Yrit%ä
Tooltips = vinkit
Timeleft = Aikaa jäljellä:
Unlock = Avaa
Uninstall = Poista
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX on suojattu.
USBDevicenotfound = USB-laitetta ei löytynyt
VideoMode = Video tila
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV korjaus
Volume = Voimakkuus
Waiting = Odottaa...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Odottaa USB-laitetta...
WidescreenFix = Laajakuva korjaus
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
WrongPassword = Väärä salasana
Yes = Kyllä
YoudonthavecIOS = Sinulla ei ole cIOS222:sta
Japanese = Japani
German = Saksa
English = Englanti
French = Ranska
Spanish = Espanja
Italian = Italia
Dutch = Hollanti
SChinese = SKiina
TChinese = TKiina
Korean = Korea

Languages/french Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
t3Covers = Jaquettes 3D
AppLanguage = Langue d'interface
Areyousure = Êtes-vous sûr ?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Back = Retour
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Retour loader / menu Wii
BacktoLoader = Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Menu Wii
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Tous
Cantcreatedirectory = Création du dossier impossible
Cancel = Annuler
Cantbeformated = Formatage impossible
Cantdelete = Impossible de supprimer :
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Téléchargement des jaquettes
Clock = Horloge
Continueinstallgame = Continuer l'installation ?
ConsoleDefault = Par défaut (Console)
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = La console doit être déverrouillée pour le modifier.
ConsoleLocked = Console verrouillée
CorrectPassword = Mot de passe correct
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Initialisation réseau impossible !
CouldnotopenDisc = Initialisation disque impossible
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Initialisation DIP impossible !
CoverDownload = Téléchargement des jaquettes
CoverPath = Jaquettes
CoverpathChanged = Le dossier des jaquettes a été changé
Coverpathchange = Dossier des jaquettes
Credits = Crédits
DiscImages = Labels DVD
DiscimagePath = Labels DVD
DiscpathChanged = Le dossier des labels DVD a été changé
Discpathchange = Dossier des labels DVD
DiscDefault = Par défaut (Disque)
Display = Affichage
Doyouwanttoformat = Voulez-vous formater :
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer :
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Réessayer pendant 30 s ?
Downloadingfile = Téléchargement du fichier :
DownloadBoxartimage = Télécharger les jaquettes ?
Downloadfinished = Téléchargement terminé
Error = Erreur !
ErrorreadingDisc = Erreur à la lecture du disque
ExitUSBISOLoader = Quitter USB Loader GX ?
InitializingNetwork = Initialisation du réseau
InsertDisk = Insérez un disque
InsertaWiiDisc = Insérez un disque Wii !
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insérez une carte SD pour télécharger les jaquettes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insérez une carte SD pour enregistrer.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Toutes les fonctionnalités de l'USB Loader GX sont déverrouillées.
Installerror = Erreur à l'installation !
Installagame = Installer un jeu
Installinggame = Installation du jeu :
Failedtoboot = Échec au démarrage de :
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Échec à l'initialisation de la SD
FailedtosetUSB = Échec d'intialisation USB :
Failedformating = Échec du formatage
filesnotfoundontheserver = fichiers introuvables sur le serveur !
filesleft = fichier(s) restant(s)
FlipX = Inversion-X
Force = Forcer
Youneedtoformatapartition = Vous devez formater une partition
Format = Formater
Formattingpleasewait = Formatage en cours, veuillez patienter...
formated = formatée !
free = libre
FreeSpace = Espace restant
FullShutdown = Éteindre
GameID = ID du jeu
Games = Jeux
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Le jeu est déjà installé :
GameRegion = Région
GameSize = Taille du jeu
GoBack = Retour
//GotoPage = Aller à la page
HowtoShutdown = Mode d'extinction de la Wii ?
Language = Langue
Langchange = Changer la langue
Left = Gauche
LikeSysMenu = Menu système
LoadingincIOS = Charger avec le cIOS249
Lock = Verrouiller
LockConsole = Verrouiller la console
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Missingfiles = Fichier(s) manquant(s)
Networkiniterror = Erreur d'initialisation réseau
Neither = Aucun
Next = Suivant
No = Non
Nofilemissing = Aucun fichier manquant !
NoHDDfound = Aucun HDD trouvé !
NoSDcardinserted = Aucune carte SD insérée !
Nopartitionsfound = Aucune partition trouvée
NoUSBDevice = Aucun périphérique USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Aucune partition WBFS trouvée
NormalCovers = Jaquettes 2D
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Ce n'est pas un jeu Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Aucun périphérique USB trouvé.
Notenoughfreespace = Espace libre insuffisant !
notset = non défini
of = sur
OFF = Désactivé
OfficialSite = Site officiel
ok = OK
ON = Activé
Parentalcontrol = Contrôle parental
Partition = Partition
Password = Mot de passe
PasswordChanged = Mot de passe modifié
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Le mot de passe a été modifié
Passwordchange = Changement de mot de passe
PowerofftheWii = Éteindre la Wii
Prev = Précédent
PromptsButtons = Interface
ReloadSD = Recharger la SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renommer un jeu
Restart = Redémarrer
Return = Retour
ReturntoWii = Retourner au menu Wii
Right = Droite
Rumble = Vibrations
QuickBoot = Démarrage rapide
Save = Enregistrer
SaveFailed = Échec de sauvegarde
Specialthanksto = Remerciements à
For = pour
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = et pour avoir partagé le code source
secondsleft = secondes restantes
SelectthePartition = Choisissez la partition
youwanttoformat = que vous voulez formater
settings = Paramètres
ShutdowntoIdle = Veille
ShutdownSystem = Extinction
Success = Succès :
Successfullyinstalled = Installé avec succès :
Successfullydeleted = Supprimé avec succès :
SuccessfullySaved = Enregistré avec succès
SystemDefault = Par défaut (Système)
ThemePath = Thèmes
ThemepathChanged = Le dossier des thèmes a été changé
Themepathchange = Dossier des thèmes
Try = Essayer
Tooltips = Info-bulles
Timeleft = Temps restant :
Unlock = Déverrouiller
Uninstall = Désinstaller
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX est verrouillé
USBDevicenotfound = Périphérique USB introuvable
VideoMode = Mode vidéo
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
Volume = Volume
Waiting = En attente...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Attente d'un périphérique USB
WidescreenFix = 16/9
WiiMenu = Menu Wii
WrongPassword = Mot de passe incorrect
Yes = Oui
YoudonthavecIOS = Le cIOS222 n'est pas installé
Japanese = Japonais
German = Allemand
English = Anglais
French = Français
Spanish = Espagnol
Italian = Italien
Dutch = Néerlandais
SChinese = Chinois simplifié
TChinese = Chinois traditionnel
Korean = Coréen

Languages/spanish Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Specialthanksto = Muchas Gracias a
t3Covers = Carátulas 3D
AppLanguage = Idioma de la aplicación
Areyousure = ¿Estás Seguro?
AutoPatch = Auto-Parcheo
Back = Atrás
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Volver al HBC o Menu Wii
BacktoLoader = Vover al Cargador
BacktoWiiMenu = Volver al menu de wii
BootStandard = Cargar/Estandar
BothBoth = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = No puedo crear el directorio
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = No se puede formatear
Cantdelete = No se puede borrar:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Click para descargar carátulas
Clock = Reloj
Continueinstallgame = ¿Contiguo instalando el juego?
ConsoleDefault = Por defecto de la consola
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = La consola debería estár desbloqueada para modificarlo.
ConsoleLocked = Consola bloqueada
CorrectPassword = Contraseña Correcta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = ¡No puedo iniciar la red!
CouldnotopenDisc = No se puede abrir el disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = ¡No se puede inicializar modulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Descarga de carátula
CoverPath = Ruta a Carátulas
CoverpathChanged = Ruta a carátulas cambiada
Coverpathchange = Cambiar ruta a carátulas
Credits = Creditos
DiscImages = Imágenes de Discos
DiscimagePath = Ruta a imágenes de discos
DiscpathChanged = Ruta a imágenes de discos cambiada
Discpathchange = Cambiar ruta a imágenes de disco
DiscDefault = Disco por defecto
Display = Visualizar
Doyouwanttoformat = ¿Quieres formatear?:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = ¿Realmente quieres borrar?:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = ¿Quieres intentarlo otros 30 segundos?
Downloadingfile = Descargando fichero:
DownloadBoxartimage = ¿Descargar imagen de caja?
Downloadfinished = Descarga finalizada
Error = ¡Error !
BOOTERROR = ¡Error de arranque !
ErrorreadingDisc = Error leyendo disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Salir del USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Inicializando red
InsertDisk = Introduzca el disco
InsertaWiiDisc = ¡Ponga un disco de wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Introduzca una tarjeta SD para descargar imágenes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Introduzca una tarjeta SD para guardar.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas las caracteristicas del USB Loader GX están desbloqueadas.
Installerror = ¡Error de instalación!
Installagame = Instala un juego
Installinggame = Instalando juego:
Failedtoboot = Fallo en el arranque:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fallo al montar la tarjeta SD
FailedtosetUSB = Fallo al usar el USB:
Failedformating = Fallo al dar formato
filesnotfoundontheserver = ¡Ficheros no encontrados en el servidor!
filesleft = Ficheros(s) Izquierda
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Forzar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Necesitas formatear una partición
Format = Formatear
Formattingpleasewait = Dando formato. por favor, espere...
formated = ¡Formateado !
free = Libre
FreeSpace = Espacio libre
FullShutdown = Apagado total
GameID = ID de juego
Games = Juegos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Juego listo para instalar:
GameRegion = Región
GameSize = Tamaño del juego
GoBack = Volver
//GotoPage = Ir a página
HowtoShutdown = ¿Cómo apago?
Language = Idioma
Langchange = Cambio de idioma
Left = Izquierda
LikeSysMenu = Cómo menú de sistema
LoadingincIOS = Cargando en cIOS249
Lock = Bloqueo
LockConsole = Bloquear consola
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Missingfiles = Ficheros perdidos
Networkiniterror = Error de inicio de red
Neither = Ninguno
Next = Siguiente
No = No
Nofilemissing = ¡No hay ficheros perdidos!
NoHDDfound = ¡No encuentro HD!
NoSDcardinserted = ¡No hay insertada tarjeta SD!
Nopartitionsfound = ¡No encuentro particiónes!
NoUSBDevice = No hay dispositivo USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = No encuentro partición WBFS
NormalCovers = Carátulas normales
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = No es un disco de wii
NoUSBDevicefound = No encuentro dispositivo USB.
Notenoughfreespace = ¡No hay suficiente espacio libre!
notset = Sin poner
of = de
OFF = Apagar
OfficialSite = Site Oficial
ok = OK
ON = Encendido
Parentalcontrol = Control Parental
Partition = Partición
Password = Contraseña
PasswordChanged = Contraseña Cambiada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = La contraseña dse ha cambiado
Passwordchange = Cambio de contraseña
PowerofftheWii = Apague la Wii
Prev = Previo
PromptsButtons = Botones de consulta
ReloadSD = Recargar SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renombrar juego en WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Return = Volver
ReturntoWii = Volver al menu de Wii
Right = Derecha
Rumble = Vibración
QuickBoot = Arranque rápido
Save = Guardar
SaveFailed = Fallo al guardar
Specialthanksto = Muchas gracias a
For = para
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = y liberar el código fuente
secondsleft = Segundos que faltan
SelectthePartition = Selecciona la partición
youwanttoformat = Quieres formatear
settings = Ajustes
ShutdowntoIdle = Apagar a Stand-By
ShutdownSystem = Sistema de apagado
Success = Conseguido:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado:
Successfullydeleted = Borrado:
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado
SystemDefault = Sistema por defecto
ThemePath = Ruta a Temas
ThemepathChanged = Ruta a temas cambiada
Themepathchange = Cambio de ruta a temas
Try = Intentar
Tooltips = Herramientas
Timeleft = Tiempo pendiente:
Unlock = Desbloqueo
Uninstall = Desinstalar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está protegido
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB no encontrado
VideoMode = Modo de video
VIDTVPatch = Parcheo VIDTV
Volume = Volumen
Waiting = Esperando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Esperando al dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Corrección "Widescreen"
WiiMenu = Menu Wii
WrongPassword = Contraseña errónea
Yes = Si
YoudonthavecIOS = No tienes cIOS 222
Japanese = Japonés
German = Alemán
English = Inglés
French = Francés
Spanish = Español
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandés
SChinese = Chino Simplificado
TChinese = Chino Tradicional
Korean = Coreano

Languages/tchinese Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
t3Coverst = 3D 封面
AppLanguage = 程式語言
Areyousure = 確定?
AutoPatch = 自動修改
Back = 返回
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 返回 HBC 或 Wii 系統選單
BacktoLoader = 返回 Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = 返回 Wii 系統選單
BootStandard = 啟動/標準
BothBoth = 全部
Cantcreatedirectory = 無法產生目錄
Cancel = 取消
Cantbeformated = 無法格式化
Cantdelete = 無法刪除:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 點擊以下載封面
Clock = 時鐘
Continueinstallgame = 繼續安裝遊戲?
ConsoleDefault = 控制台預設
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 解鎖控制台以開啟修改能力.
ConsoleLocked = 控制台鎖定
CorrectPassword = 密碼正確
Couldnotinitializenetwork = 無法啟動網路!
CouldnotopenDisc = 無法開啟光碟
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = 無法啟動 DIP 模組!
CoverDownload = 下載封面
CoverPath = 封面存放路徑
CoverpathChanged = 封面存放路徑已變更
Coverpathchange = 變更封面存放路徑
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = 光碟圖像
DiscimagePath = 光碟圖像存放路徑
DiscpathChanged = 光碟圖像存放路徑已變更
Discpathchange = 變更光碟圖像存放路徑
DiscDefault = 光碟預設
Display = 展示
Doyouwanttoformat = 是否格式化:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 確定刪除:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 是否等待30秒重試?
Downloadingfile = 下載檔案:
DownloadBoxartimage = 下載外盒封面圖片?
Downloadfinished = 下載完成
Error = 錯誤 !
ErrorreadingDisc = 讀取光碟錯誤
ExitUSBISOLoader = 離開 USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = 正在啟動網路
InsertDisk = 插入光碟
InsertaWiiDisc = 插入 Wii 光碟!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 插入 SD 卡下載封面.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 插入SD卡儲存.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = 所有 USB Loader GX 的功能未解鎖.
Installerror = 安裝錯誤!
Installagame = 安裝遊戲
Installinggame = 正在安裝遊戲:
Failedtoboot = 無法啟動:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = 掛載前端 SD 卡失敗
FailedtosetUSB = 無法設定 USB:
Failedformating = 格式化失敗
filesnotfoundontheserver = 伺服器中無此檔案!
filesleft = 剩下的檔案
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = 強制
Youneedtoformatapartition = 必須格式化一個磁區
Format = 格式化
Formattingpleasewait = 格式化中, 請稍候...
formated = 完成格式化!
free = 剩餘
FreeSpace = 剩餘空間
FullShutdown = 完全關機
GameID = 遊戲代碼
Games = 遊戲
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 已安裝過遊戲:
GameRegion = 區域
GameSize = 遊戲容量
GoBack = 返回
//GotoPage = 前往頁面
HowtoShutdown = 如何關機?
Language = 語言
Langchange = 變更語言
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = 如同系統選單
LoadingincIOS = 以 cIOS249 載入
Lock = 鎖定
LockConsole = 鎖定控制台
MP3Menu = MP3 選單
Missingfiles = 遺失的檔案
Networkiniterror = 網路啟動錯誤
Neither = 皆否
Next = 下一步
No = 否
Nofilemissing = 沒有缺少的檔案!
NoHDDfound = 找不到硬碟!
NoSDcardinserted = 未插入 SD 卡!
Nopartitionsfound = 找不到磁區
NoUSBDevice = 沒有 USB 裝置
NoWBFSpartitionfound = 找不到 WBFS 磁區
NormalCovers = 一般封面
Normal = 一般
NotaWiiDisc = 不是 Wii 的光碟
NoUSBDevicefound = 找不到 USB 裝置.
Notenoughfreespace = 剩餘空間不足!
notset = 未設定
of = 的
OFF = 關閉
OfficialSite = 官方網站
ok = 確定
ON = 開啟
Parentalcontrol = 親子控制
Partition = 磁區
Password = 密碼
PasswordChanged = 密碼已變更
Passwordhasbeenchanged = 密碼已被變更
Passwordchange = 變更密碼
PowerofftheWii = 關閉Wii主機
Prev = 往前
PromptsButtons = 螢幕比例校正
ReloadSD = 重新載入SD卡
RenameGameonWBFS = 改變WBFS上的遊戲名稱
Restart = 重新啟動
Return = 返回
ReturntoWii = 返回Wii系統選單
Right = 右
Rumble = 震動
QuickBoot = 快速啟動
Save = 儲存
SaveFailed = 儲存失敗
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
For = 為了
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 正在釋放來源碼
secondsleft = 剩餘秒數
SelectthePartition = 選擇磁區
youwanttoformat = 是否格式化
settings = 設定
ShutdowntoIdle = 進入待機狀態
ShutdownSystem = 關閉系統
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = 成功的安裝:
Successfullydeleted = 成功的刪除:
SuccessfullySaved = 儲存成功
SystemDefault = 系統預設
ThemePath = 背景主題
ThemepathChanged = 背景主題路徑已變更
Themepathchange = 變更背景主題路徑
Try = 嘗試
Tooltips = 工具提示
Timeleft = 剩餘時間:
Unlock = 解鎖
Uninstall = 移除
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX 是被保護
USBDevicenotfound = 找不到 USB 裝置
VideoMode = 影像格式
Volume = 音量
Waiting = 等待中...
WaitingforUSBDevice = 等待 USB 裝置
WidescreenFix = 寬螢幕修正
WiiMenu = Wii 系統選單
WrongPassword = 密碼錯誤
Yes = 是
YoudonthavecIOS = 未安裝 cIOS222
Japanese = 日文
German = 德文
English = 英文
French = 法文
Spanish = 西班牙文
Italian = 義大利文
Dutch = 荷文
SChinese = 簡體中文
TChinese = 繁體中文
Korean = 韓文

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

source/CH2Unicode.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

source/CH2Unicode.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef CH2UNICODE_H_
#define CH2UNICODE_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int CH2Unicode(char *szFrom,wchar_t *wszTo); //,int ctype);
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
*/ */
#include "FreeTypeGX.h" #include "FreeTypeGX.h"
#include "CH2Unicode.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cfg.h"
/** /**
* Default constructor for the FreeTypeGX class. * Default constructor for the FreeTypeGX class.
@ -56,9 +59,14 @@ wchar_t* FreeTypeGX::charToWideChar(char* strChar) {
wchar_t *strWChar; wchar_t *strWChar;
strWChar = new wchar_t[strlen(strChar) + 1]; strWChar = new wchar_t[strlen(strChar) + 1];
if(Settings.unicodefix == 1) {
CH2Unicode(strChar, strWChar);
} else {
char *tempSrc = strChar; char *tempSrc = strChar;
wchar_t *tempDest = strWChar; wchar_t *tempDest = strWChar;
while((*tempDest++ = *tempSrc++)); while((*tempDest++ = *tempSrc++));
return strWChar; return strWChar;
} }

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ struct SSettings Settings;
char *cfg_path = "SD:/apps/usbloader/"; char *cfg_path = "SD:/apps/usbloader/";
//char *setting_path = "SD:/apps/usbloader/settings.cfg"; //char *setting_path = "SD:/apps/usbloader/GXGameSettings.cfg";
char current_path[100]; char current_path[100];
/* configurable fields */ /* configurable fields */
@ -230,9 +230,10 @@ void CFG_Default(int widescreen) // -1 = non forced Mode
} }
snprintf(CFG.covers_path, sizeof(CFG.covers_path), "SD:/images/"); //default image path snprintf(CFG.covers_path, sizeof(CFG.covers_path), "SD:/images/"); //default image path
snprintf(CFG.disc_path, sizeof(CFG.disc_path), "SD:/images/disc/");//default path for disc images snprintf(CFG.disc_path, sizeof(CFG.disc_path), "SD:/images/disc/");
snprintf(CFG.titlestxt_path, sizeof(CFG.titlestxt_path), "SD:/config/");//default path for disc images
snprintf(CFG.unlockCode, sizeof(CFG.unlockCode), "ab121b"); // default password snprintf(CFG.unlockCode, sizeof(CFG.unlockCode), "ab121b"); // default password
snprintf(CFG.language_path, sizeof(CFG.language_path), "SD:/config/language.txt"); snprintf(CFG.language_path, sizeof(CFG.language_path), "SD:/config/language/");
CFG.parentalcontrol = 0; CFG.parentalcontrol = 0;
CFG.maxcharacters = 38; CFG.maxcharacters = 38;
@ -471,7 +472,10 @@ void cfg_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(CFG.disc_path, val, sizeof(CFG.disc_path)); strcopy(CFG.disc_path, val, sizeof(CFG.disc_path));
return; return;
} }
if (strcmp(name, "titlestxt_path") == 0) {
strcopy(CFG.titlestxt_path, val, sizeof(CFG.titlestxt_path));
if (strcmp(name, "language_path") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, "language_path") == 0) {
strcopy(CFG.language_path, val, sizeof(CFG.language_path)); strcopy(CFG.language_path, val, sizeof(CFG.language_path));
return; return;
@ -815,6 +819,13 @@ void global_cfg_set(char *name, char *val)
} }
return; return;
} }
else if (strcmp(name, "unicodefix") == 0) {
int i;
if (sscanf(val, "%d", &i) == 1) {
Settings.unicodefix =i;
} }
// split line to part1 delimiter part2 // split line to part1 delimiter part2
@ -961,9 +972,9 @@ bool cfg_save_global()// save global settings
mkdir("SD:/config", 0777); mkdir("SD:/config", 0777);
} }
FILE *f; FILE *f;
f = fopen("SD:/config/global_settings.cfg", "wb"); f = fopen("SD:/config/GXGlobal.cfg", "wb");
if (!f) { if (!f) {
printf("Error saving %s\n", "global_settings.cfg"); printf("Error saving %s\n", "GXGlobal.cfg");
sleep(1); sleep(1);
return false; return false;
} }
@ -983,6 +994,7 @@ bool cfg_save_global()// save global settings
fprintf(f, "keyset = %d\n ", Settings.keyset); fprintf(f, "keyset = %d\n ", Settings.keyset);
fprintf(f, "xflip = %d\n ", Settings.xflip); fprintf(f, "xflip = %d\n ", Settings.xflip);
fprintf(f, "qboot = %d\n ", Settings.qboot); fprintf(f, "qboot = %d\n ", Settings.qboot);
fprintf(f, "unicodefix = %d\n ", Settings.unicodefix);
fprintf(f, "wsprompt = %d\n", Settings.wsprompt); fprintf(f, "wsprompt = %d\n", Settings.wsprompt);
fprintf(f, "parentalcontrol = %d\n ", CFG.parentalcontrol); fprintf(f, "parentalcontrol = %d\n ", CFG.parentalcontrol);
fprintf(f, "cover_path = %s\n ", CFG.covers_path); fprintf(f, "cover_path = %s\n ", CFG.covers_path);
@ -993,6 +1005,7 @@ bool cfg_save_global()// save global settings
} }
fprintf(f, "disc_path = %s\n ", CFG.disc_path); fprintf(f, "disc_path = %s\n ", CFG.disc_path);
fprintf(f, "language_path = %s\n ", CFG.language_path); fprintf(f, "language_path = %s\n ", CFG.language_path);
fprintf(f, "titlestxt_path = %s\n ", CFG.titlestxt_path);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.unlockCode)) { if(!strcmp("", Settings.unlockCode)) {
fprintf(f, "godmode = %d\n ", CFG.godmode); fprintf(f, "godmode = %d\n ", CFG.godmode);
} else { } else {
@ -1069,7 +1082,7 @@ void game_set(char *name, char *val)
bool cfg_load_games() bool cfg_load_games()
{ {
return cfg_parsefile("SD:/config/settings.cfg", &game_set); return cfg_parsefile("SD:/config/GXGameSettings.cfg", &game_set);
} }
bool cfg_save_games()// save per game setings bool cfg_save_games()// save per game setings
@ -1077,9 +1090,9 @@ bool cfg_save_games()// save per game setings
FILE *f; FILE *f;
int i; int i;
mkdir("SD:/config/", 0777); mkdir("SD:/config/", 0777);
f = fopen("SD:/config/settings.cfg", "wb"); f = fopen("SD:/config/GXGameSettings.cfg", "wb");
if (!f) { if (!f) {
printf("Error saving %s\n", "settings.cfg"); printf("Error saving %s\n", "GXGameSettings.cfg");
sleep(1); sleep(1);
return false; return false;
} }
@ -1123,7 +1136,7 @@ bool cfg_load_global()
} }
Settings.volume = v80; Settings.volume = v80;
return cfg_parsefile("SD:/config/global_settings.cfg", &global_cfg_set); return cfg_parsefile("SD:/config/GXGlobal.cfg", &global_cfg_set);
} }
@ -1171,12 +1184,12 @@ void CFG_Load()
CFG_Default(-1); // set defaults non forced CFG_Default(-1); // set defaults non forced
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "SD:/config/global_settings.cfg"); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "SD:/config/GXGlobal.cfg");
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &widescreen_set); //first set widescreen cfg_parsefile(pathname, &widescreen_set); //first set widescreen
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &cfg_set); //then set config and layout options cfg_parsefile(pathname, &cfg_set); //then set config and layout options
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%stheme.txt", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%sGXtheme.cfg", CFG.theme_path);
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &theme_set); //finally set console information cfg_parsefile(pathname, &theme_set); //finally set console information
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), CFG.language_path); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), CFG.language_path);
@ -1189,7 +1202,7 @@ void CFG_Load()
// cfg_parsefile("SD:/config.txt", &console_set); // cfg_parsefile("SD:/config.txt", &console_set);
// } // }
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "SD:/config/titles.txt"); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%stitles.txt", CFG.titlestxt_path);
cfg_parsetitlefile(pathname, &title_set); cfg_parsetitlefile(pathname, &title_set);
// load per-game settings // load per-game settings
@ -1204,12 +1217,12 @@ void CFG_Load()
CFG_Default(-1); // set defaults non forced CFG_Default(-1); // set defaults non forced
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "SD:/config/global_settings.cfg"); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "SD:/config/GXGlobal.cfg");
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &widescreen_set); //first set widescreen cfg_parsefile(pathname, &widescreen_set); //first set widescreen
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &cfg_set); //then set config and layout options cfg_parsefile(pathname, &cfg_set); //then set config and layout options
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%stheme.txt", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%sGXtheme.cfg", CFG.theme_path);
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &theme_set); //finally set console information cfg_parsefile(pathname, &theme_set); //finally set console information
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%slanguage.txt",CFG.language_path); snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%slanguage.txt",CFG.language_path);
@ -1239,7 +1252,7 @@ void CFG_Load()
>>>>>>> .r348*/ >>>>>>> .r348*/
void CFG_LoadGlobal(void) void CFG_LoadGlobal(void)
{ {
cfg_parsefile("SD:/config/global_settings.cfg", &global_cfg_set); cfg_parsefile("SD:/config/GXGlobal.cfg", &global_cfg_set);
} }
void CFG_Cleanup(void) void CFG_Cleanup(void)

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ struct CFG
char covers_path[100]; char covers_path[100];
char theme_path[100]; char theme_path[100];
char disc_path[100]; char disc_path[100];
char titlestxt_path[100];
char language_path[100]; char language_path[100];
short keyset; short keyset;
}; };
@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ struct SSettings {
int qboot; int qboot;
int wsprompt; int wsprompt;
int keyset; int keyset;
int unicodefix;
}; };
void CFG_LoadGlobal(void); void CFG_LoadGlobal(void);

View File

@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ char* strcopy(char *dest, char *src, int size)
return dest; return dest;
} }
bool checkfile(char * path)
FILE * f;
f = fopen(path,"r");
if(f) {
return true;
return false;
void lang_default() void lang_default()
{ {
snprintf(LANGUAGE.ok, sizeof(LANGUAGE.ok), "OK"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.ok, sizeof(LANGUAGE.ok), "OK");
@ -77,6 +89,7 @@ snprintf(LANGUAGE.FailedtomountfrontSDcard, sizeof(LANGUAGE.FailedtomountfrontSD
snprintf(LANGUAGE.FailedtosetUSB, sizeof(LANGUAGE.FailedtosetUSB), "Failed to set USB:"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.FailedtosetUSB, sizeof(LANGUAGE.FailedtosetUSB), "Failed to set USB:");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Failedformating, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Failedformating), "Failed formating"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Failedformating, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Failedformating), "Failed formating");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver), "files not found on the server!"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver), "files not found on the server!");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Filenotfound, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Filenotfound), "File not found.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.filesleft, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesleft), "file(s) left"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.filesleft, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesleft), "file(s) left");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.FlipX, sizeof(LANGUAGE.FlipX), "Flip-X"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.FlipX, sizeof(LANGUAGE.FlipX), "Flip-X");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Force, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Force), "Force"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Force, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Force), "Force");
@ -100,6 +113,7 @@ snprintf(LANGUAGE.Language, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Language), "Game Language");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Left, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Left), "Left"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Left, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Left), "Left");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.LikeSysMenu, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LikeSysMenu), "Like SysMenu"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.LikeSysMenu, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LikeSysMenu), "Like SysMenu");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS), "Loading in cIOS249"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS), "Loading in cIOS249");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardlanguage, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardlanguage), "Loading standard language.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Lock, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Lock), "Lock"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Lock, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Lock), "Lock");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.LockConsole, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LockConsole), "Lock Console"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.LockConsole, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LockConsole), "Lock Console");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.MP3Menu, sizeof(LANGUAGE.MP3Menu), "MP3 Menu"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.MP3Menu, sizeof(LANGUAGE.MP3Menu), "MP3 Menu");
@ -161,10 +175,14 @@ snprintf(LANGUAGE.SystemDefault, sizeof(LANGUAGE.SystemDefault), "System Default
snprintf(LANGUAGE.ThemePath, sizeof(LANGUAGE.ThemePath), "ThemePath"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.ThemePath, sizeof(LANGUAGE.ThemePath), "ThemePath");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.ThemepathChanged, sizeof(LANGUAGE.ThemepathChanged), "Themepath Changed"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.ThemepathChanged, sizeof(LANGUAGE.ThemepathChanged), "Themepath Changed");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange), "Themepath change"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange), "Themepath change");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpath, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpath), "titles.txt Path");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpathchange, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpathchange), "Path of titles.txt change");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.TitlestxtpathChanged, sizeof(LANGUAGE.TitlestxtpathChanged), "Path of titles.txt changed.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Try, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Try), "Try"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Try, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Try), "Try");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Tooltips, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Tooltips), "Tooltips"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Tooltips, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Tooltips), "Tooltips");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Timeleft, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Timeleft), "Time left:"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Timeleft, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Timeleft), "Time left:");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Unlock, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Unlock), "Unlock"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Unlock, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Unlock), "Unlock");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Unicodefix, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Unicodefix), "Unicode Fix");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Uninstall, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Uninstall), "Uninstall"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Uninstall, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Uninstall), "Uninstall");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected), "USB Loader GX is protected"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBLoaderisprotected), "USB Loader GX is protected");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound), "USB Device not found"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound, sizeof(LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound), "USB Device not found");
@ -442,6 +460,10 @@ void language_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver));
return; return;
} }
if (strcmp(name, "Filenotfound") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Filenotfound, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Filenotfound));
if (strcmp(name, "filesleft") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, "filesleft") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.filesleft, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesleft)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.filesleft, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.filesleft));
return; return;
@ -538,6 +560,10 @@ void language_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.LoadingincIOS));
return; return;
} }
if (strcmp(name, "Loadingstandardlanguage") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardlanguage, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardlanguage));
if (strcmp(name, "Lock") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, "Lock") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Lock, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Lock)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.Lock, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Lock));
return; return;
@ -774,6 +800,18 @@ void language_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Themepathchange));
return; return;
} }
if (strcmp(name, "Titlestxtpath") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpath, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpath));
if (strcmp(name, "Titlestxtpathchange") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpathchange, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpathchange));
if (strcmp(name, "TitlestxtpathChanged") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.TitlestxtpathChanged, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.TitlestxtpathChanged));
if (strcmp(name, "Try") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, "Try") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Try, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Try)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.Try, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Try));
return; return;
@ -790,6 +828,10 @@ void language_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Unlock, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Unlock)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.Unlock, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Unlock));
return; return;
} }
if (strcmp(name, "Unicodefix") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Unicodefix, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Unicodefix));
if (strcmp(name, "Uninstall") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, "Uninstall") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.Uninstall, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Uninstall)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.Uninstall, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Uninstall));
return; return;

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ struct LANGUAGE
char FailedtomountfrontSDcard[50]; char FailedtomountfrontSDcard[50];
char FailedtosetUSB[30]; char FailedtosetUSB[30];
char Failedformating[30]; char Failedformating[30];
char Filenotfound[30];
char filesnotfoundontheserver[50]; char filesnotfoundontheserver[50];
char filesleft[30]; char filesleft[30];
char FlipX[30]; char FlipX[30];
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ struct LANGUAGE
char Left[30]; char Left[30];
char LikeSysMenu[30]; char LikeSysMenu[30];
char LoadingincIOS[40]; char LoadingincIOS[40];
char Loadingstandardlanguage[40];
char Lock[30]; char Lock[30];
char LockConsole[40]; char LockConsole[40];
char MP3Menu[30]; char MP3Menu[30];
@ -156,10 +158,14 @@ struct LANGUAGE
char ThemePath[20]; char ThemePath[20];
char ThemepathChanged[30]; char ThemepathChanged[30];
char Themepathchange[30]; char Themepathchange[30];
char Titlestxtpath[40];
char Titlestxtpathchange[40];
char TitlestxtpathChanged[40];
char Try[20]; char Try[20];
char Tooltips[15]; char Tooltips[15];
char Timeleft[15]; char Timeleft[15];
char Unlock[20]; char Unlock[20];
char Unicodefix[20];
char Uninstall[15]; char Uninstall[15];
char USBLoaderisprotected[40]; char USBLoaderisprotected[40];
char USBDevicenotfound[40]; char USBDevicenotfound[40];
@ -188,6 +194,7 @@ struct LANGUAGE
extern struct LANGUAGE LANGUAGE; extern struct LANGUAGE LANGUAGE;
char* strcopy(char *dest, char *src, int size); char* strcopy(char *dest, char *src, int size);
bool checkfile(char * path);
void lang_default(); void lang_default();
void language_set(char *name, char *val); void language_set(char *name, char *val);

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ DefaultSettings()
Settings.cios = ios249; Settings.cios = ios249;
Settings.xflip = no; Settings.xflip = no;
Settings.qboot = no; Settings.qboot = no;
Settings.unicodefix = no;
CFG_LoadGlobal(); CFG_LoadGlobal();
} }

View File

@ -3625,13 +3625,13 @@ static int MenuSettings()
mainWindow->Append(&page3Btn); mainWindow->Append(&page3Btn);
sprintf(options2.name[0], "%s",LANGUAGE.MP3Menu); sprintf(options2.name[0], "%s",LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpath);
sprintf(options2.name[1], "%s",LANGUAGE.AppLanguage); sprintf(options2.name[1], "%s",LANGUAGE.AppLanguage);
sprintf(options2.name[2], "%s", LANGUAGE.keyboard); sprintf(options2.name[2], "%s",LANGUAGE.keyboard);
sprintf(options2.name[3], "Under"); sprintf(options2.name[3], "%s",LANGUAGE.Unicodefix);
sprintf(options2.name[4], "Construction"); sprintf(options2.name[4], "%s",LANGUAGE.MP3Menu);
sprintf(options2.name[5], " "); sprintf(options2.name[5], "Under");
sprintf(options2.name[6], " "); sprintf(options2.name[6], "Construction");
sprintf(options2.name[7], " "); sprintf(options2.name[7], " ");
sprintf(options2.name[8], " "); sprintf(options2.name[8], " ");
@ -4029,9 +4029,17 @@ static int MenuSettings()
if ( Settings.keyset > 2 ) if ( Settings.keyset > 2 )
Settings.keyset = 0; Settings.keyset = 0;
if ( Settings.unicodefix > 1 )
Settings.unicodefix = 0;
if (strlen(CFG.titlestxt_path) < (9 + 3)) {
sprintf(options2.value[0], " "); sprintf(cfgtext, "%s", CFG.titlestxt_path);
} else {
strncpy(cfgtext, CFG.titlestxt_path, 9);
cfgtext[9] = '\0';
strncat(cfgtext, "...", 3);
sprintf(options2.value[0], "%s", cfgtext);
if (strlen(CFG.language_path) < (9 + 3)) { if (strlen(CFG.language_path) < (9 + 3)) {
sprintf(cfgtext, "%s", CFG.language_path); sprintf(cfgtext, "%s", CFG.language_path);
@ -4047,7 +4055,9 @@ static int MenuSettings()
else if (Settings.keyset == dvorak) sprintf (options2.value[2],"DVORAK"); else if (Settings.keyset == dvorak) sprintf (options2.value[2],"DVORAK");
else if (Settings.keyset == euro) sprintf (options2.value[2],"QWERTZ"); else if (Settings.keyset == euro) sprintf (options2.value[2],"QWERTZ");
sprintf(options2.value[3], " "); if (Settings.unicodefix == off) sprintf (options2.value[3],"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
else if (Settings.unicodefix == on) sprintf (options2.value[3],"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
sprintf(options2.value[4], " "); sprintf(options2.value[4], " ");
sprintf(options2.value[5], " "); sprintf(options2.value[5], " ");
sprintf(options2.value[6], " "); sprintf(options2.value[6], " ");
@ -4059,11 +4069,41 @@ static int MenuSettings()
switch(ret) { switch(ret) {
case 0: case 0:
menu = MENU_MP3; if ( CFG.godmode == 1)
pageToDisplay = 0; {
char entered[43] = "";
strncpy(entered, CFG.titlestxt_path, sizeof(entered));
int result = OnScreenKeyboard(entered,43,4);
if ( result == 1 )
{ strncpy(CFG.titlestxt_path, entered, sizeof(CFG.titlestxt_path));
if(isSdInserted() == 1) {
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
break; break;
case 1: // language file path case 1: // language file path
if ( CFG.godmode == 1) if ( CFG.godmode == 1)
{ {
@ -4088,6 +4128,9 @@ static int MenuSettings()
{ strncpy(CFG.language_path, entered, sizeof(CFG.language_path)); { strncpy(CFG.language_path, entered, sizeof(CFG.language_path));
if(isSdInserted() == 1) { if(isSdInserted() == 1) {
cfg_save_global(); cfg_save_global();
if(!checkfile(CFG.language_path)) {
lang_default(); lang_default();
CFG_Load(); CFG_Load();
@ -4107,9 +4150,13 @@ static int MenuSettings()
case 2: case 2:
Settings.keyset++; Settings.keyset++;
break; break;
case 3:
case 4:
menu = MENU_MP3;
pageToDisplay = 0;
} }