*Added Japanese UnicodeFix made by Rudolph (thanks) (you still need to compile with a japanese font.ttf to have it work)
*Added missing languagevariables
issue 517, issue 515, issue 519
NOTE: If your loader is rebooting when you try to start a game its because you initialized Network! Right now initializing the network by trying to update or trying to download covers/discimages the Loader has Issues with booting games. Try booting games directly without initializing the Network.
NOTE: When you change Global cIOS boot you need to restart for it to take effect.
NOTE2: Best way of launching games (most compatibility) is avoiding an IOS Reload by not initializing the network and not have different boot IOS than the one set in GameSettings.
NOTE3: Know issue: IOS249 boots slower now at the starts. IOS222 boots fast as always.
Also, use flat 2d covers, the fake 3d ones look like shit on this. and if you have your wii in 4/3 mode it wont show anything (i don't think it will. i didn't test it).
- is "argv[0]" set, then the boot-device extracted from the argv.
- if no meaningful boot device found, then looking for
"boot.dol"/"boot.elf" in "apps/usbloader_gx/"
first on "SD:/" and then on "USB:/".
When found, than use this Device. Otherwise use the default "SD:"
- Set all default-Paths on this Device
- Set the Path for config-Folder, GXGlobal.cfg, GXGameSettings.cfg
and GXGameFavorites.cfg on this Device (e.g. USB:/config and so on)
NOTE: This is a temporary and fast solution till DrayX7 is back since he started it already and i don't have the time right now to do it. This should fix most of the codedumps at starting up games (if not loaded from carousel).
*Lots of small fixes
*Added Error002fix selection in GameSettings
**NOTE 1: You might want to delete your Configfiles before using this new Rev.
**NOTE 2: Known issue with Settings is that WiiMotePointer is sometimes being displaced. I am searching for the reason right now.
*Merging CleanUp source into main.
NOTE: You might not want to update right away because there might still be some issues. New issue reports to this are of course welcome ;).
*Added missing "Update to" to languages.
Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik) UPLOADED
Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990) UPLOADED
Turkish (final v1 by aHMET-) UPLOADED
German (final v1 by Didibochum, NeoRame) UPLOADED
T.Chinese (final v3.2 by kyogc) UPLOADED
S.Chinese (final v1 by pc9528) UPLOADED
Korean (final v3 by pooyan, rainplus) UPLOADED
French (final v3.8 by satel, Kin8) UPLOADED
Norwegian (final v4 by raschi) UPLOADED
Danish (final v1.7 by david432111) UPLOADED
Spanish (final v5.9 Penn) UPLOADED
Russian (final v1.2 by Kir) UPLOADED
PortuguesePortugal (final v10 by sky8000) UPLOADED
PortugueseBrasil (final v1 by artidoro) UPLOADED
Italian (final v4 by foxejoe) UPLOADED
Japanese (final v1.1 by yasun) UPLOADED
Swedish (final v1 by noONE) UPLOADED
* clean up the wild mounts and unmounts (this and the new libfat fix the download-bug)
* reorganize shutdowns and reboots use now the functions Sys_Reboot(), Sys_Shutdown(), Sys_ShutdownToIdel(), Sys_ShutdownToStandby() and Sys_BackToLoader()
this functions stops the GUI-Thread, Shutdowns the Audio, Video, WPad and unmounts the SD and USB
*added RemoveSoundClick to guibutton prototype
*removed the click sound from Wii/Home button
*applied widescreen fix to arrow buttons in caroselle and grid