it's now possible to change the input configuration when J-CART is detected: this let you play 6-player mode in Super Skidmarks by connecting 4-WayPlay
* improved sprites processing accuracy.
* fixed VBLANK transition line checks.
* code cleanup and (minor) optimizations.
* increased FM internal sample size to 32-bit to avoid overflow when adding channels.
* added preliminary emulation of YM2612 DAC precision (can be configured to match real console output).
* added configurable roll-off for FIR filtering in High-Quality FM mode.
*added support to enable/disable Video Encoder Trap Filter: can help reproducing "color blending" as on a real Genesis (composite video only).
*added support to configure Video Encoder gamma correction.
* improved 68k accuracy (initial reset timing + auto-vectored interrupts handling).
* modified Z80 & 68k cores to directly use external cycle count instead of intermediate counters.
* improved Z80 & 68k cpu execution/synchronization accuracy, now use Master Clock as common clock reference.
* improved PSG & FM chips synchronization with CPU execution (fixed point precision).
* completely rewrote sound output processing & mixing: sound chips are now clocked with exact output frame rate
to ensure 100% smooth video & audio playback, with no lag or skipping, while still rendering an accurate number
of samples per frame. This will also make fast-forward implementation (video AND sound) more trivial.
* improved color accuracy in VDP highlight mode to match results observed on real hardware.
* improved sprites processing timing accuracy: fixes (un)masked sprites in Mickey Mania (3D level), Sonic 2 (VS mode).
* improved horizontal blanking & HINT/VINT occurrence timing accuracy, as measured on real hardware.
* improved H-Counter accuracy in 40-cell mode, as measured on real hardware.
* optimized Z80 bus status signals
* usual code cleanup
fixed ASNDLIB exit when returning to game
fixed audio/video startup sync
modified audio back-end engine according to new audio processing core (see above)
added John Madden Football 93 in EEPROM database (fixes backup support)
initiated ROM database for cartridges that uses SRAM (some ROM headers are definitively wrong !), need more...