dol name, rom path and everything else needed from a ini in the wiiflow/plugins
folder, see for the currently 4
emulator mod inis.
for the nes, snes and gb,gbc and gba emulator mod needed for it. The games are read from the default
path of the emulators, that would be "fceugx/roms" for nes for example. To display the games, place the
emulator dol from the link above into wiiflow/plugins.
-using miigotus way for homebrew and emulator coverflow now, thanks for that, makes things shorter
* Added nanddumper functions (Nand dumper not enabled yet)
* Added an extended check for new installed games which is enabled by default
Since the check takes some time you can bypass the check by setting: 'extended_list_check' in GENERAL section of wiiflow.ini to 'no'
Todo: Add an extended check for removed games
* Fixed a bug ISFS_Initialize() was called before reloading to cIOS
* Fixed long wait time when installing a Wii game @ 100%
file found
-added possibility to cheat in gamecube games, currently
wiiflow gct cheats folder needs to be on sd card for this,
otherwise DML cant find them
game (better for the sd card), requires DML r52 or newer
to work properly
-added new option in [DML] section, "dml_r52+", you
can set it to no if have a older DML version or want
to use the old boot.bin method instead to launch a gc game
you want to have the gamecube games in the usb folder
"ngc" you now also just need to set the ini to "ngc",
no need for "%s:/ngc" anymore (thanks r-win for few tips)
gamecube games on usb, its a new config entry
in DML section, dir_usb_games, default is the
"games" folder. If you want for example "ngc",
change the value to "%s:/ngc". (issue 19)
-added possibility to copy gamecube games from
usb to sd card, after copy process game will be
started (copy takes 5-10 minutes) (issue 12)
-added possibility to install gamecube games
to usb fat partitions
-fixed game name not displayed in delete game dialog
-changed naming scheme of partition name in top-right
corner in coverflow, now looks like DML [USB1], name
depends on view
*Download order:
- Original only = Box -> Flat
- Original/Original = Box -> Flat -> Alt box -> Alt flat
- Original/Custom = Box -> Alt box -> Flat -> Alt flat
- Custom/Original = Alt box -> Box -> Alt flat -> Flat
- Custom/Custom = Alt box -> Alt flat -> Box -> Flat
- Custom only = Alt box -> Alt flat
*It's now possible to download covers from a different language or region as set in the language string and you can select what languages or regions to check (Working, but unfinished)
* Added a check for GameTDB if an alternate or custom cover is available
* Fixed GameTDB code for getting the casecolor
* Gamecube is now also included in GameTDB (Thanks lustar)
* Reverted Catagories selection menu.cpp
* And probably some things i forget to list
* DML Coverview is now disabled if the MIOS found isn't recognized as DML
* DML game subfolder naming convention may now change to 'Game Name' for example. No need to keep this as GameID anymore
* Current_item config option is now saved while launching DML GC games
* Playcount & Lastplayed options are now saved for DML GC games