- Now disabling View Select icon/button on main screen if you are using Source Menu with multi source select. (easier to handle this way)
- Fixed Source Menu multi select. Now using 'A' button instead of '+' button to select sources. '+' and '-' can now be used to change pages just like all other menus. Added Clear button to clear all source buttons. If none selected defaults to Wii. After making selections use Back button or 'B' to go back.
- Added the ability to select both NAND and EmuNAND Channels at the same time. Three options to do this.
1. Use Source Menu multi select.
2. Switch to Channels View then press 'B' while pointing at Settings icon on main screen. If you keep pressing 'B' it will cycle you thru NAND, EmuNAND, and Both.
3. Use the Plugin Select menu with the new emuchannels.ini plugin and the channels.ini plugin to select one or both. (in plugin view of course)
- Other code cleanup and minor changes here and there to make things work with being able to select both real nand and emu nand together.
- Still have a few things to change but this should be fine for now.
- added flipped cover zoom and movement. so now when you flip a cover you can zoom in and out with '+' and '-' to read and see the back cover better. Use the control pad to move it if you need to. only works with pressing the buttons not holding them down.
- added option to delete a cached cover (.wfc file) for plugins. in case for some reason you have a strange looking cover while viewing plugin covers just select the cover and then click on delete - it won't delete the game or cover png, just the covers wfc file in the cache. then when you go back it should be recreated. for other covers you can just delete and redownload via the settings menu.
- New Coverflow theme format. no more emuflow, coverflow, brewflow. now we have coverflow, shortflow, sideflow, and smallflow.
- coverflow is the normal coverflow.
- shortflow is automatically used for plugins if all selected plugins require a short CD style cover such as GB, GBC, GBA, and playstation. if there's more let me know and i can add them.
- sideflow is automatically used for plugins if all selected plugins require a cover on its side such as SNES and Nintendo 64.
- smallflow is used if smallbox is set for homebrew and sourceflow.
- no more need for emuflow= with a source btn in the source menu. it is done automatically now using the plugins magic#
- each flow has its own number of modes/layouts. so now coveflow can have 8, smallfow 1, sideflow, 6, and shortflow 4 or whatever you want.
- adjust coverflow works with no problems. just choose the view first before entering the adjust coverflow menu.
- other minor code changes here and there.
- remember themes are now in themes_lite and the coverflow part is seperated and put in the coverflows folder with the same name as the theme or you can use a default coverflow named default.ini for all themes.
- all theme related source menu images and ini now need to go in a subfolder of wiiflow/source_menu/ and be named the same as the theme data folder. this keeps source stuff seperate from theme stuff.
- redid the code for menu_source making it more compact and smaller even with the new additions and shrunk menu_category a little.
Note: The All Plugins source option has been removed and choosing either nand button on mutiple selection loads the nand you last used (real or emu)
The categories_v4.ini had to also be slightly modified to work with this. It will now contain a single 'GENERAL' section which contains the number of categories and the name of each. A suggestion, I would use the first 20 for bostonbc's genres and ratings and the next ten or so for movie types(mplayerce) and the next ten or so for misc.
When using more than one source the partition selection and emu nand settings in config are disabled for now.
The source button on the main screen still works the same including the d-pad option.
Most of the credit for this goes to Fix94 for setting wiiflow up for this a long time ago. I just took the 80% of work he'd already did and finished by getting it to work with the source menu. Note there may be some issues.
- replacing strings of 0's and 1's with ASCII characters 33 on up. So if you have a game in category 1 and you have 20 categories, instead of 110000000000000000000 all you will see is ! (ASCII character 33) which is way shorter and will take wiiflow much less time to read. Also if a game isn't in any category there will be nothing after the = .
- also added categories for individual plugins. Wiiflow checks to see if only one plugin is selected and if so then uses the categories for that one plugin. So for example you can have categories for your movies when you only use the mplayerce plugin.
-Fixed favorites_on_startup. renamed it save_favorites_mode. defaults to off. set to yes and wiiflow will remember if favorites was on or off for each view/mode. Still can be set on page 4 of config menu.
-Fixed favorites and parental lock for plugins. Parental lock might come in handy for movies.
-And restored save for categories_v4.ini on exit of wiiflow
- now you can have as many categories as you want.
- copied the idea of selected, hidden, and required categories from USB Loader GX. Thanks Cyan. Checkmark = selected, X = Hidden, and + = Required.
- redid categories.ini layout and renamed it categories_v4.ini so you can copy and paste settings from the old one to the new one. Each view (USB,DML,EMU,NAND,HOMEBREW) has it's own numcategories, category names, and category settings. All games are now seperated based on the view. Don't forget to add 1 to numcategories for the show All mode.
- Replaced All checkbox with CLEAR button which clears all checkboxes so no category is selected and all games will be shown.
- Added features to the Game Selected Categories Menu. Now the title is the title of the current game. You can now press plus(+) and minus(-) on wiimote to go to the next or previous games without going back to previous screen making it easier to setup categories for your games.
- note: all changes will not be saved in categories_v4.ini unless you exit wiiflow or launch a game.
*Download order:
- Original only = Box -> Flat
- Original/Original = Box -> Flat -> Alt box -> Alt flat
- Original/Custom = Box -> Alt box -> Flat -> Alt flat
- Custom/Original = Alt box -> Box -> Alt flat -> Flat
- Custom/Custom = Alt box -> Alt flat -> Box -> Flat
- Custom only = Alt box -> Alt flat
*It's now possible to download covers from a different language or region as set in the language string and you can select what languages or regions to check (Working, but unfinished)
* Added a check for GameTDB if an alternate or custom cover is available
* Fixed GameTDB code for getting the casecolor
* Gamecube is now also included in GameTDB (Thanks lustar)
* Reverted Catagories selection menu.cpp
* And probably some things i forget to list