34 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3af4cef548 - fixed box mode for plugins. now each plugin can have box mode on (1), off (0), or default (-1). default is the GENERAL box mode setting in wfl ini. if the boxmode= line is missing from plugin it will use the default. 2019-07-10 09:24:44 -05:00
09525023a2 Add Plugins databases 2018-12-30 23:00:51 +01:00
e968a81322 -added _flatflow to display covers not in boxmode. add boxmode=no to a plugin.ini. if all plugins selected have boxmode=no then boxmode will be set to off and the coverflow used will be _FLATFLOW. 2018-09-26 13:26:01 -05:00
db8a2b137c -updating wiiflow lite to beta 4.3.0
-fixed using categories to hide GC disc 2's. Apparently this has never really worked right for some time or ever.
-fixed deleting the cached cover texture file for plugin games. Delete cover for plugins only deletes the cached texture file (.wfc)
-fixed favorites and adultonly (parental lock) for plugin games. Apparently I may have broke this a few revisions back.
-favorites and adultonly for plugin games now have their own domains in gamecfg1- [FAVORITES_PLUGINS] and [ADULTONLY_PLUGINS]. just makes it more organized.
-only wii, GC, channels are added to [PLAYCOUNT] and [LAST_PLAYED] in gamecfg1.
-now loading gamecfg1 at startup and leaving it loaded till exit. no more loading it and unloading all the time.
-fixed scrolling for game_info synopsis, credits, and help text.
-made source menu buttons wider for wiiflow default. old 80x80, now 100x80. looks better.
-display music info now defaults to off
-screensaver_disabled now defaults to yes
-show GC view button is now on by default no matter what. the only way it is disabled is if you edit wiiflow.ini manually. this is how all the view buttons work.
-removed hiding homebrew button but if wiiflow locked it won't work or in sourceflow it won't show.
-dump_list is now under [GENERAL] instead of each view. Also only works for Wii, GC, and channels.
-sorting only works for Wii, GC, and Channels now. disabled for sourceflow, plugins, homebrew, and combined view.
-now if no games are found a message is shown with the current path so you can see where wiiflow is looking. (except for plugins)
-removed auto create emuNAND for emuNAND view if gamelist is empty. just go to settings>NAND settings if you want to extract or disable it.
-now when no games are found all buttons at bottom are still accessible allowing you to change the view or go to settings and change current partition or path and even extract your NAND to create a EmuNAND. Or go to Home Menu and Install a Wii or GC game.
-removed auto extract NAND to emuNAND when launching a Wii game with EmuNAND save. Now a message is diplayed saying 'emuNAND for saves not found - using real NAND'.
-made the speed at which cover titles fade in/out almost instantly.
-removed update button from Home Menu. online update code is still there but not used and probably won't be used any more as there just isn't a need for it now.
-removed ftp button from Home Menu and all code for the FTP server. I just use WiiXplorer's FTP server. it seems to work better for me.
-disabled keep USB Alive thread for now. i think there's a possibilty it might be the cause of my SD/USB files getting corrupted.
-removed Btn B and - combo to switch partitions.  didn't seem useful anymore.
-redid nand emulation settings menu. looks like this now:
		Select EmuNAND
		EmuNAND Enulation
		Select SaveNAND
		SaveNAND Emulation

		Extract Saves All
		Extract NAND
		Select Saves Partition
-no longer blocking Select Plugin menu and View icons when using source menu combined view
-now Select Plugins Menu is like switching to plugin view but you get to choose the plugins first
-now [PLUGIN] partition= is the default partition for all plugins. to change individual plugins add 'romPartition=x' to the plugin ini. x is the partition number 0 thru 8 with SD being 0. this is how my usbloadergx plugin mod works.
2016-10-04 23:44:13 +00:00
8678a77eb0 -changed the way wiiflow makes a plugin gamelist. on startup if plugin view is enabled wiiflow gets and counts every plugin ini instead of doing it every time we load plugin view. might speed up loding plugin view but adds time to wiiflow boot up.
-other minor code changes.
2016-04-03 00:51:40 +00:00
86d768c829 -changed name to WiiFlow Lite
-renamed some coverflows and domains for easier code reading. making things more uniform.
2016-04-02 16:00:47 +00:00
8057a883b6 -updated source menu stuff and added a new option to enable/disable multiple source selections in the startup settings, disabled by default
-enabled b on mode selection to open up source menu by default
2013-09-04 20:58:22 +00:00
9c27995a50 -added a new plugin argument, {name_no_ext}, it will get replaced by
the filename, just without its extension (issue 186)
2013-05-30 17:35:03 +00:00
d5b16e66da Now you can combine views using the source menu. The source menu now works in two ways. First, the old point and click with 'A' to select a single source. And now, Second, choose the sources you want to see with the 'B' button. They'll click from off to on and back. when done selecting click on the back button or press 'Home'.
Note: The All Plugins source option has been removed and choosing either nand button on mutiple selection loads the nand you last used (real or emu)

The categories_v4.ini had to also be slightly modified to work with this. It will now contain a single 'GENERAL' section which contains the number of categories and the name of each.  A suggestion, I would use the first 20 for bostonbc's genres and ratings and the next ten or so for movie types(mplayerce) and the next ten or so for misc.

When using more than one source the partition selection and emu nand settings in config are disabled for now.

The source button on the main screen still works the same including the d-pad option.

Most of the credit for this goes to Fix94 for setting wiiflow up for this a long time ago.  I just took the 80% of work he'd already did and finished by getting it to work with the source menu.  Note there may be some issues.
2013-01-15 13:54:33 +00:00
4cb521304f -cleaned up some more shit, should give us more free mem and speed
-maybe fixed that strange wii button power off codedump
2012-12-27 20:22:40 +00:00
f57507c4f3 -general code cleanup
-added crc32 buffer and limited checked filesize to 1gb
2012-11-18 13:40:26 +00:00
447fdd7cec -fixed those sometimes fucked up backgrounds
-fixed last played gamecube game was not selected
-fixed sounds didnt load anymore
-added some more stuff to the cleanup
2012-11-04 19:22:02 +00:00
6b47640bfb -fixed last game you played was not selected
-fixed random codedumps when wiiflow loads a game banner
-gave the cover loader a higher priority
2012-11-04 14:13:42 +00:00
f82408249c -fixed too short help and synopsis (issue 146)
-cleaned up and speeded up some stuff
2012-11-01 16:39:42 +00:00
bb1774e2c3 -highly beta, unfinished experiments with tinyload as wii game
booter, dont even think about it to report bugs with it
2012-10-12 22:25:22 +00:00
f365b1080c -removed plugin settings limit, you can now have as much as you want
-cleaned up and smalled down plugin code
2012-10-04 14:35:08 +00:00
dd50c080a2 Changed plugin argument system, now you can decide everything,
all previous INIs cant boot any games until you add those lines:
For fceugx, genplusgx, wii64, snes9xgx, vbagx and wiimednafen add:
For mplayerce and not64 (havent tested yet) add:
And for scummvm add:
You can also remove the "ReturnLoader" line from the INIs.
Any magicword for scummvm and mplayerce is accepted now, just
make sure in scummvm the "romdir" is still "scummvm.ini".
2012-10-01 19:55:55 +00:00
a201479cb4 -removed one unneeded function and replaced it by a existing one 2012-07-04 14:33:08 +00:00
b47d1285e7 -fixed bug which broke cover loading in plugin coverflow
for plugins where coverFolder is not set in the ini
2012-06-29 14:49:59 +00:00
8f16156768 -added plugin crc32 caching, a file called "plugin_crc32.ini"
will be created in your wiiflow/settings folder, as soon as the
crc32 is generated it will be saved in this file and simply
used the next time you download a cover. You also could generate
the checksums on pc and then add it to this file, that may be faster
than letting wiiflow generate it
2012-06-17 11:01:43 +00:00
8e4bc53c21 -moved some things because of possible graphical problems 2012-06-09 11:06:47 +00:00
e28f9c3e72 -added download of plugin covers via gametdb, currently only
works with extracted nintendo games (collection is very small
but will grow) as soon as more covers come you can also download
covers for other systems, also added a new option to plugin inis
for this day already, "consoleCoverID"
-updated english help file (thanks seam for info)
2012-06-08 19:29:23 +00:00
e90423472c -fixed missing background music (damn wiiflow is so fragile) 2012-05-29 13:55:23 +00:00
cd9b3ca394 -fixed scummvm games not showing anymore 2012-05-29 13:49:28 +00:00
b47b04629f -created my own homebrew channel stub alternative, now homebrew
returns to wiiflow using the wiiflow loader channel if enabled,
added option to disable this too, return_to_wiiflow in HOMEBREW
section in wiiflow.ini
-added possibility to start movies via MplayerCE, use this ini:
2012-05-23 16:27:55 +00:00
b8fd3e623d -added new options for plugin inis, "displayname", if you
set it in for example the fceugx.ini to "nes" it will display
"nes" instead of "fceugx" in plugins menu
2012-05-11 18:46:43 +00:00
6abfa87e0e -replaced all safe_vectors by regular vectors, there is no
need of it anymore, also removed miigotus wrapper
2012-05-06 12:03:43 +00:00
88c4eed3c3 -added plugin selection menu in global settings, if in
plugin coverflow it will replace the nand emu button,
in this memu you can select which plugin should be displayed,
it will work no matter which sort is set, you can select more
than one emulator at the time of course
-background music is missing
2012-05-05 20:07:54 +00:00
20c2e948e7 -changed plugin code, also fixed a bug in it 2012-05-04 18:05:41 +00:00
068d45dbf6 -added possibility to select the cover folder in
emulator coverflow, for example in the fceugx.ini
set "coverFolder=fceugx", then wiiflow will look
into "wiiflow/boxcovers/fceugx" for covers instead
of "wiiflow/boxcovers", same goes for "wiiflow/covers"
2012-05-01 13:30:16 +00:00
ac5ffef989 -fixed problem that wiiflow didnt find scummvm
games which were on usb
2012-04-16 04:58:17 +00:00
37b6ebbc26 -added new option for plugins, "ReturnLoader", if
enabled it will use the WiiFlowLoader.dol
in the plugins dir to return to wiiflow 
(needed for some emus)
2012-04-14 19:43:37 +00:00
b2cef2a34e -added scummvm ini parser, that means if scummvm plugin
detected, wiiflow will scan the scummvm.ini for games
2012-04-11 22:01:41 +00:00
fc1c81d601 -added possibility to use own banner sounds for plugins, the
names just need to be added to the ini, see for example here:
2012-04-10 17:12:38 +00:00