-optimized cover loading times when using hq covers
-fixed wrong game count in the top right corner when using b+minus to switch partitions
-fixed b+minus not working in channel view when no emu nand on a partition was found
-fixed left and right didn't switch pages anymore in the source menu if multisource is not enabled
-updated german.ini
- added background to wad installer menu
- made some small coding changes to source menu but still works the same
- updated english.ini
- fixed small wrap and unwrap coding problem for label text
- added changes made to explorer mentioned on gbatemp - mostly just theme related about user labels and stuff otherwise it still works the same.
in the GENERAL section in your wiiflow.ini, do it like
{gameid} gets replaced automatically by the game id6/id3
-updated zlib from 1.2.7 to 1.2.8
-updated freetype from 2.4.10 to 2.4.12
-got back from libjpeg 8d to libjpeg 6b
-clean compiled tremor-lowmem lib
-removed some unneeded files
banner sounds stopped working
-added plugin subfolder cache file creation to prevent overwriting
on same filenames based on the coverFolder option in plugin inis,
"subfolder_cache" in "EMULATOR" domain, enabled by default (thx
matt0620 for base patches)
in the plugin menu
-using the newly created sort function for covers too now so we dont
need to use two separate ones (covers should be sorted same way still)
mark icon, it will boot something of the current coverflow
-made screenshot feature working with nunchuck/classic controller
too, just press Z/ZR
-updated the english.txt help
a cios and which cios you want to force load (0 means the default)
-hopefully fixed most network init problems when doing a ios reload
-updated english ini
-fixed fanart usage
-fixed still selectable banner toggle if fanart is found
-added new setting to the wiiflow.ini, "dml_activity_led" (enabled
by default), in [DML] section, it controls the DML drive light
when the gamecube game is busy
-cleaned up some stuff
-fixed gametdb memory management, now you can reload cache as
often as you want, read synopsis as often as you want without
wiiflow codedumping or freezing anymore after a few
- added custom missing covers support. Totally optional - without them wiiflow will display the usual blank question marks or theme related ones just like normal. Does not affect downloading covers or manually putting covers in wiiflow's cover folder. Wiiflow still checks for the cached cover first, then the box cover and flat cover, but before displaying the usual blank question mark ones wiiflow now looks for these custom missing covers.
Put your custom missing covers in your normal wiiflow boxcovers folder with all the other wii game covers. Rename them to the magicnumber.jpg and for non plugins - wii.jpg, channels.jpg, gamecube.jpg, and homebrew.jpg. You have to use jpg's when using this default method.
For theme related cover images still put them in your normal wiiflow boxcovers folder and rename them if necessary. I recommend adding the theme name and underscore as a prefix to the image name. Then add the following to your theme.ini modifying it to your liking. Note when using theme related cover images they can be png's.
cheats, save emu, nsmbw + pop patch, wanin cios and hermes cios,
and return to wiiflow again (works here with d2x again)
-fixed some important stuff in wiiflow itself, less corruption
of the dol and more static stuff to get it back to stability
-set optimize level of booter from -Os to -O1
-added back name addition for gamecube game disc 2
-made gprintf, fmt and sfmt a bit more safe
-removed unneeded char for list check, just wastes memory
for the db files but its plugin magic to prevent double entries
because of same paths for alternative plugins
-removed some annoying debug prints yet again
-set down wiiflows entry point from 0x80A00000 to 0x8062000
(saves ALOT of MEM1 for lists etc, so wiiflow should be able to read
in alot of more games in for example plugin coverflow)
-recompiled libjpeg
-removed alot of annoying debug prints
-made the trailer code faster