* Added initial (untested!) support for the zip file format, which is supported by the HBC
* Began working on compressed wad files. Uncompressing fails for now, so uploading WAD files should be done with the previous version of Wiiload.
* Fixed issue 902 (hence the large commit).
*Added a ToolTip
*Added GameName under the covers
*Fixed Crash with no Favorites in list.
NOTE: I'll add a better coming out effect for the covers, for now there is only a slow big ZoomOut which isnt too bad either.
·Add tooltips to NavBar
·Nodisc.png & noimage.png (cover 3d or flat) for theme need to be place in your theme folder now (more easy to install theme)
Warning: if you use a custom nodisc.png/noimage.png, now you need to let it in the theme folder (so download theme, and just load it, no need to move images anymore)
·Made littles modif on the new file browser for title of custom path match with those from the setting windows (less heavy for the .lang file)
· add sdcard_over.png and browser_over.png (neorame, if you want done an over effect like for wii button)
· Made the sdcard & homebrew button themeable with over feature,
· Add translatable tooltip to the hombrew button
· Add some translation forgotten in sources.
no button to create a new file and a little bug with the scrolling, but better than typing stuff in.
added channel launcher. currently doesnt show the actual name, only the u32 and ID. also, it is only showing 0x00010001 channels, so no Mii, weather, or other crappy channels, just the good stuff.
fixed bug that showed the MacOS hidden files as extra homebrew entries.
new vars are
firstLine = 1;
numLines = -1;
totalLines = 1;
totalLines is not changed until the text is set to wrap and Draw() is called 1 time.
The other 2 are set with functions.
new functions are
void GuiText::SetNumLines(int n)
void GuiText::SetFirstLine(int n)
int GuiText::GetNumLines()
int GuiText::GetFirstLine()
int GuiText::GetTotalLines()
int GuiText::GetLineHeight(int n)
These should be self explanatory. GetLineHeight relies on total lines so it needs to be called after the first Draw();
Raised the chars[] to 3000 for the synopsis because people are writing books in there.
Used those new fancy functions make the synopsis fit in the info window. Press up/down to scroll the text. Arrows may come later for the buttons. Also put a home buttononlytrigger on the game prompt. moved disable mainWindow to the beginning of the infoprompt to keep from loading images and stuff from the sd at the same time we are reading the xml file.
added checks for all the servers to verify what they are giving us. also added more bad image sizes to the list.
it is all commented out now. uncomment all the new stuff it the download function to use it.
fix TXTcheatpath not being saved
made prompt and call you an idiot if you try to load in image that has bad dimensions.
added stuff from the cheat menu to be translatable
maybe fixed an issue with cheatcode names being too long and running on/off out of site
un comment sam & max fix. we were under the impression that it only worked from disc but somebody said that it is working from USB also with ios rev 10 or 13a. i have left out the ios checks to see if it works with any ios and also it is only on if the game ID matches one of the two listed on wiiboxart.com for this game.
drink a beer
Also, use flat 2d covers, the fake 3d ones look like shit on this. and if you have your wii in 4/3 mode it wont show anything (i don't think it will. i didn't test it).
*Lots of small fixes
*Added Error002fix selection in GameSettings
**NOTE 1: You might want to delete your Configfiles before using this new Rev.
**NOTE 2: Known issue with Settings is that WiiMotePointer is sometimes being displaced. I am searching for the reason right now.