is found, it will just replace the filename extension with .jpg
and try it again, the jpg file width and height need to be
divisable with 4, otherwise wiiflow will just ignore the cover
- If a 2 disc GC game is launched with Devolution, tell Devolution the location of the 2nd disc*
* Use Wiiflow's game installer to backup your GC game
- Made check for Devolution more safe
- Added some neek2o magic (neek2o r90+ required*):
* Added an exit option to neek2o
* Added an option in gameconfig menu to launch vc/ww titles from wiiflow nand emulation in neek2o instead of cIOS
fucked up cIOS maps
-changed the AUTO IOS selection again, if the game doesnt need
IOS57 it will just use the currently loaded cIOS instead of a
IOS56 based one
enabled by default, with the option enabled it will use cfg version
2 for dm 2.1 or higher, if disabled it uses cfg version 1. It will
be ignored if dml_r52+ is set to no since that uses the old boot.bin
method then
the memory we use for them, not that we get problems
-added debug prints about how much mem left before and after
-updated devicehandler, partition handler and usb code to the
latest usb loader gx one, should give more compatility and
port 1 support (not enabled yet)
if we boot homebrew and devolution
-fixed stupid bug which may made a problem with devolution (thanks
stfour for finding it)
-dont init mload on waninkokos cIOS which is older than r18
game via DIOS-MIOS or Devolution, if you set it to Default it
will boot ISOs via Devolution and FST extracted via DIOS-MIOS
-updated english.ini
-updated german.ini
display gamecube coverflow button still
-added possibility to set diosmios video patching way,
video_setting in wiiflow.ini [DML] section, if set to 0
it will disable all video settings of diosmios, if set to 1
it will use the auto setting (default) and if set to 2 it
will force the video mode
and place the loader.bin into your wiiflow data folder, wiiflow
will automatically find the binary and use devolution to boot
the gamecube game (only works with iso files, games extracted
with gcreex doesnt work)
and set both a bit down
-changed a few little things about freetypegx unload
-since I dont care about size anymore the libs are now
in its original size again, makes wiiflow bigger but better
to handle
-changed some small things about the menu class opening
-forgot to deinit ISFS on sys exit, may it created some problems
-closing wiimote inputs before reloading IOS
* Now if you click B on ExitTo menu it will go back to Home menu and not coverflow
* If parental lock is on, ExitTo will just exit and not show ExitTo menu anymore
* Now with home in ExitTo you can exit too
* Added/Deleted some sentences
* Updated english and italian translation
means we can properly see if cached or custom banner is loaded
-corrected bug which didnt copy back the banner md5 before writing
banner cache, means all cached banners dont have the security check