- Differ the coordinates between 16:9 and 4:3,
can add a setting with a "w" as prefix
(e.g. sdcard_coord = 163,395 for 4:3
and wsdcard_coord = 170,395 for 16:9).
Isn't setted "w???._coord", the "normal"-coordinate
is used for both modes.
* added a new constructor for GuiImageData
currebtly the constructor is unused, i will use later
All options pages now contain the correct number of lines, which together with another adjustment should fix scrollbar alignment (issue 971).
Added missing scrollbar on custom paths page.
dimok fixed the file browser bug that prevented going back to the parent folder if the current folder was empty (issue 836).
Fixed parental control keyboard bug introduced in r750 (issue 976).
The free space text is now in correct order when the GUI is set to Japanese.
* Added initial (untested!) support for the zip file format, which is supported by the HBC
* Began working on compressed wad files. Uncompressing fails for now, so uploading WAD files should be done with the previous version of Wiiload.
* Fixed issue 902 (hence the large commit).
*Added a ToolTip
*Added GameName under the covers
*Fixed Crash with no Favorites in list.
NOTE: I'll add a better coming out effect for the covers, for now there is only a slow big ZoomOut which isnt too bad either.
·Add tooltips to NavBar
·Nodisc.png & noimage.png (cover 3d or flat) for theme need to be place in your theme folder now (more easy to install theme)
Warning: if you use a custom nodisc.png/noimage.png, now you need to let it in the theme folder (so download theme, and just load it, no need to move images anymore)
·Made littles modif on the new file browser for title of custom path match with those from the setting windows (less heavy for the .lang file)
· add sdcard_over.png and browser_over.png (neorame, if you want done an over effect like for wii button)
· Made the sdcard & homebrew button themeable with over feature,
· Add translatable tooltip to the hombrew button
· Add some translation forgotten in sources.
no button to create a new file and a little bug with the scrolling, but better than typing stuff in.
added channel launcher. currently doesnt show the actual name, only the u32 and ID. also, it is only showing 0x00010001 channels, so no Mii, weather, or other crappy channels, just the good stuff.
fixed bug that showed the MacOS hidden files as extra homebrew entries.
new vars are
firstLine = 1;
numLines = -1;
totalLines = 1;
totalLines is not changed until the text is set to wrap and Draw() is called 1 time.
The other 2 are set with functions.
new functions are
void GuiText::SetNumLines(int n)
void GuiText::SetFirstLine(int n)
int GuiText::GetNumLines()
int GuiText::GetFirstLine()
int GuiText::GetTotalLines()
int GuiText::GetLineHeight(int n)
These should be self explanatory. GetLineHeight relies on total lines so it needs to be called after the first Draw();
Raised the chars[] to 3000 for the synopsis because people are writing books in there.
Used those new fancy functions make the synopsis fit in the info window. Press up/down to scroll the text. Arrows may come later for the buttons. Also put a home buttononlytrigger on the game prompt. moved disable mainWindow to the beginning of the infoprompt to keep from loading images and stuff from the sd at the same time we are reading the xml file.
added checks for all the servers to verify what they are giving us. also added more bad image sizes to the list.
it is all commented out now. uncomment all the new stuff it the download function to use it.
fix TXTcheatpath not being saved
made prompt and call you an idiot if you try to load in image that has bad dimensions.
added stuff from the cheat menu to be translatable
maybe fixed an issue with cheatcode names being too long and running on/off out of site
un comment sam & max fix. we were under the impression that it only worked from disc but somebody said that it is working from USB also with ios rev 10 or 13a. i have left out the ios checks to see if it works with any ios and also it is only on if the game ID matches one of the two listed on wiiboxart.com for this game.
drink a beer
Also, use flat 2d covers, the fake 3d ones look like shit on this. and if you have your wii in 4/3 mode it wont show anything (i don't think it will. i didn't test it).
*Lots of small fixes
*Added Error002fix selection in GameSettings
**NOTE 1: You might want to delete your Configfiles before using this new Rev.
**NOTE 2: Known issue with Settings is that WiiMotePointer is sometimes being displaced. I am searching for the reason right now.
* clean up the wild mounts and unmounts (this and the new libfat fix the download-bug)
* reorganize shutdowns and reboots use now the functions Sys_Reboot(), Sys_Shutdown(), Sys_ShutdownToIdel(), Sys_ShutdownToStandby() and Sys_BackToLoader()
this functions stops the GUI-Thread, Shutdowns the Audio, Video, WPad and unmounts the SD and USB
*added RemoveSoundClick to guibutton prototype
*removed the click sound from Wii/Home button
*applied widescreen fix to arrow buttons in caroselle and grid
*Added Carousel back in
*Changed UMS Heapsize which increases compatibility for some HDD Devices with cIOS38 Rev12
**NOTE: If anyone encounters any HDD detection problems which start from this rev on, make an issue and we can revert that thing.
*Fixed browsers not getting darker when going into HOME Menu
*Removed MP3 Menu
*Added Patch Country Strings (thanks to WiiPower and SoftChip Team)
Note: "This is an option for import games only. If you have problems with that try this option. Mostly japanese users need that.
*some other small fixes
**Note 2: Right now the loader is having some issue with IOS Reload. If you initialized network and try to run a game and its not working its due to that bug. I am trying to find why it isnt working right now. FreetypGX is making codedumps on there sometimes (ardi look into it you missed something).
** Also there is a new libogc in our download in which there are new libfat and libogc files. If you had issues with SD they might now be fixed, so try it out.
*Fixed effect GOROUND so that it doesn't cause alignment issues anymore (the format for this effect is very different than it originally was, if you plan on using it for something, look at the documentation in gui.h.
*Major revamp of gui_gamecarousel (everything is awesome and perfect, except it still can't launch games, and thus it is still not in the gui).
**gui_gamecarousel Notes:
*You can use the same technique as last time to test the carousel (except I recommend adding startat and offset to the line since I added support for it).
*I realized not everyone will agree for my choice of curvature and spacing for the games on the carousel, so I made them variable. At the top of gui_gamecarousel.cpp are a bunch of definitions that set up these values.
*SCALE determines the size of the game boxes.
*DEG_OFFSET is the number of degrees between the boxes (remember, changing the RADIUS will affect the linear distance each degree represents).
*RADIUS determines the curvature of the arc (higher radius makes it less curved).
*IN_SPEED determines the speed at which the boxes come in (higher number makes it faster).
*SHFIT_SPEED determines the speed at which the boxes move when you turn the carousel.
*PAGESIZE determines how many boxes are drawn (remember, the number of visible boxes is determined by DEG_OFFSET and RADIUS, with the default values you can see 7).
*Everything eles (the animations, position of the movement buttons, etc.) is automatically determined from these values (my 8th grade math teacher was right, trig isn't totally worthless), so you shouldn't need to change anything at all, except the aforementioned values (or the b0rken game launching code).
*If you find a set of values you think looks better than mine, post a picture and the list of values in an issue or on IRC.
*These will probably become theamable at some point, but I figure we should get this added to the gui first (I was hoping to do it tonight, but some stuff came up, and I need to go to bed).
Wow I write really long commit notes.
**Big Thanks to CorneliousJD for Hosting the DOLs)**
*Reverted ardi's stuff which made codedumps on the Download (sorry ardi commit it again when its fixed)
*Modified EFFECT_GOROUND so that it takes a center of rotation, angles work properly, and things don't move back.
*Updated the gui_gamecarousel files so that they are functional, shouldn't have any more code dumps, and use the EFFECT_GOROUND.
*The carousel button doesn't do anything anymore (since GOROUND was changed so much)
*The easiest way test the carousel is to change guiGameGrid to guiGameCarousel in source/menu.cpp.
*If you compile with no modifications, the only noticeable difference is that the carousel button does nothing.
**Known Bugs in gui_gamecarousel
*The images dont line up horizontally (when shifting left they go too far left, and the same for shifting right). I think there is a rounding bug somewhere in GOROUND (I already fixed several).
*Cant hold down left and right to scroll yet
*Launching a game only works if the pointer is over two boxes
*If an image is growing when the carousel is turned, that button disapears
*If an image is grown when the carousel is turned, it wont shrink back
*Added DefaultSettings Button and a DefaultGameSettings Button.
*Fixed OGG Menu to not codedump on path change and auto add '/' if not entered like on paths
*Some small fixes
- DOTTED: cuts the text and appends "..."
- SCROLL: scrolls the text
* added dotted/scrolled text for gamebrowser, gamepromt and so on (more will come later)
* remove CFG.maxcharacters and THEME.maxcharacters (no more needed)
* Game prompt now displays how many times a game has been played. (cap of 255 will be fixed)
* Added buton on main window to view only favorited games. (Known Bug: If this button is pressed with no favorite games, the loader will crash)
* remove the Disk-Shadow from dialogue_box_startgame.png (themers will scream). The Shadow now drawing from Loader
* little changes for Widescreen-prompt-fix